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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. I believe the 1000$ note without a doubt. Money has been damn near free for the last few decades, and writing a 70k check for a pickup is difficult to wrap your head around. What I don’t get is all the 90k grand wagoners and shit running around. Crazy. just hit POC for a weekend. You’ll see at least 5 100k trucks towing ~200k scbs. Yes, 200k bay boats. 20+ year loans, just making them payments on that shift work schedule. Noting to see here.
  2. I’ve never done the mothership deal. I’ll check with the guy who set it up and confirm the outfit.
  3. Damn I need to get the boat up to canyon soon. Love that place.
  4. *can be. I think 13 years in I’ve lost power less than 2 hours aside from one single 11 hour stint on the last day of snowpocalypse. 11 hours to the minute in a “rolling blackout”, when temps were back above freezing.
  5. Bosch has it. The biggest complaint I ever see with Bosch is the lack of drying. Since it’s so quiet, we run it at night, and it pops open around 0100 or so. Everything is dry when I unload in the AM, no musty anything or residual water. Also, it’s not an issue at all unless you have plastic ware. When we no longer had little babies, the problem completely went away. Before that, you’d just sandwhich each plastic plate between the porcelain plates and the heat would dry them.
  6. I don’t think anyone is threatened. You’re talking <15 years for most of the O&G folks on this board to be retired. Things are going to change. ICE vehicles will still be around (even at 50%) when my grandkids are driving. There will be more EVs. Right now Texas can barely keep its lights on thru the year. I can easily see EV taking off, then getting set back another decade after a few more snopocalypse type no power events.
  7. I wouldn’t complain if there was a Rimac sitting in the garage
  8. I saw a single wheel 350 limited for 124 not long ago. Fucking amazing.
  9. Well, aderall (sp) is awesome.
  10. Closet part true, allegedly... Always wondered if he’s one of our esteemed shaggy UT law posters.
  11. Tweets gone now. Apparently 800k in legal fees being picked up by the county? M Berry was discussing it today. Tweet had her doing an interview and sounded like shit.
  12. Got a chandy trip I’m counting down to. Can’twait.gif
  13. I would entertain an EV as part of the household fleet if my commute made sense. But we still drive to Fla every summer, and Colorado every winter. Still tow the camper all over, the boat, cattle, hay, tractors. There's not any getting away (for me) from having a 3/4-1ton with lots of range while pulling 8-20k. I'm not certain they'll ever get to where you can move a Tahoe/Suburban sized load of people and shit with the type of range to ever replace those. But could see it as a replacement for a shitbox commuter car. Just trading one shitbox for another, cheaper to fuel shitbox. Lithium recycling ftmfw.
  14. You’re talking to a guy who makes his living off producing assets. Not works with them, owns interest in them. He’s probably not wrong, either. There’s going to be a lot more EV going forward. But fossil fuel use isn’t going to decrease; it’ll increase if anything. They ended up buying his back or swapping it, iirc. Was a total shittastic pos.
  15. It all depends on what your using it for, of course. Shouldn't be “working” a half ton that hard anyhow, ICE or otherwise. A 40-50% reduction wouldn’t be out of bounds on a ICE 150 with any real load behind it. Agree. Ive been dumping $$ into them for awhile now, hoping they do. I’m far from a Ford guy but they’ve been doing a lot “right” lately.
  16. Funny you say that. I’ve seen Txaggy screen shots where they refer to him as Donny 9”. I can’t determine what’s recent pics or not from a quick Google search, so going with 294#
  17. Still better than Help me! I can’t afford college!!1! And houses are unaffordable hrrr drrr A uneducated Betamax salesman in the 70’s could afford a ski chateau and it’s just not fair!!!!!
  18. I understand oppression exists.
  19. I get it. I'm just saying I love that "style" of antler like that. Just a beautiful deer, whether he was a 140 or 190. But then I guess it's kind of like women, I love about 50 different types of them, too.
  20. Looks like they've changed it up a bit but I've been happy with everything I've ever purchased from these guys. Nice blinds, too. https://www.texaswildlifesupply.com/broadcast-feeders And as @686 said, im not certain there is a substitute for THE TIMER.
  21. Tons of other good YouTubers have always had good things to say about him. Dude seems grounded af for being broke to millions at 20 yo (outside of the schtick). I hate when he fucked up the good cars, laughed when he fucked up the squatted trucks, and thought it was pretty solid he didn’t take the plea deal in TN since his buddy didn’t get offered the same deal on the bullshit charge. Fuck, even when that dude stole all his shit he didn’t press charges. But yeah. Man, F8.
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