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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. And an episode where you astonish us with your brilliance in all things. A truly dizzying intellect.
  2. I get that. Your point is that law abiding citizens across the rest of the US should suffer due to the criminals? Or, work with me, we could just start enforcing our laws. Instead, we got mutual combat. But fuck all yall hunters and sport shooters, time to give up your shit for the "greater good". Nah. I'll take my chances with this court. https://wgntv.com/news/chicagocrime/after-mutual-combat-drama-foxx-and-lightfoot-announce-charges-in-west-side-shootout/ https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/cook-county-prosecutors-deadly-shootout-stabbing-no-felony-charges-mutual-combat/
  3. What's your point? Chicago has strict gun laws. How is that working out for them?
  4. Oh noes!! Which do you think happens first? I got to prison because of a total gun ban, or my grandkids are arguing with yours about gun control?
  5. Sorry my hobby is considered sacrosanct. But, dems da breaks. I missed all your concerned posts every time a stray bullet finds a child on the south side of <cantsayname>. Guess those kids don't matter to you? Aggy, after all.
  6. Ackshully, what I said was that anyone would. So please, you dishonest piece of shit, point me to your concern when it isn’t a white guy using an AR-15. Surely you’ve noted it somewhere on this site? I mean, you are really really concerned about ALL the violence, right? You can very simply find examples in papers across the country everyday to link and expound on. You’re passionate about the problem, right?
  7. Now do carjacking, the folks routinely robbed eating dinner up and down westheimer, and home invasions. Hint, they happen a lot more frequently than the event you’re so scared of. Neither is the dollar store shooting in Jax, if we are being pedantic.
  8. This can literally be plugged into any law abiding person who has a violent crime committed against them. Wife and I were just heading to dinner. Never expected to be carjacked and killed. I was just lying in bed in my suburban house, never expected the door to be kicked in and robbed/raped/killed. Examples of things that we do every single day. That doesn’t resonate with you? Or do you not believe the same can happen? Just a fateful trip to the restaurant?
  9. It’s pretty simple to me. I live in Houston. Statistics can tell you where I’m more likely to be shot, and the odds simply aren’t “lunatic with AR-15”. Crazy we have information coming out on this manifesto but still nothing on Nashville. Curious.
  10. Oh it’s pretty fucking far from a both sides issue. Take “white male” and AR15 out of our search criteria and tell me what you find about 4+ victim shootings. me thinks you don’t gaf about mass shootings unless it fits your criteria.
  11. Brisket's hyperbole will never not be funny to me. Even funnier when I consider he's got his on type of hate that he's OK'd with himself for 1/3 to 1/2 his countrymates due to their fucking policies on taxes and giving free shit to poors. Absolutely LOL worthy. This is what the GOP stands for? Remind me again about the TN school shooters politics? Guess that's what the alphabet movement and the DNC is about? Oh, blanket statements don't work like that, unless it's you or @Brisketexan I guess, then it's all good. Cool, cool. You are a fucking clown. This is 100% correct. Basic income? LOL
  12. One of my best friends was working for BP in coastal Miss. He would leave his dock and hit the the islands regularly. Has a low gunnel JH and those guys over would freak out about it, but he would hammer those fish out there on the reg. Sort of a consolation for having to live in fuckville, ms. I used to love those texts with regular pics from out there.
  13. I’m team unload the rifle from the hard case while in the blind. Any pigs encountered either get it from the truck gun or a pass. Sorry, most of my stuff has too nice of wood for that shit.
  14. Yes. It's a Holthinrichs Pre-Liminality. I like a lot of things nobody has heard of. I like it. I’m not sure I could pull it off but I like it.
  15. 100m? That’s a bit low, but yeah. There’s several that are fishing POCO that are (just barely) 8 figure rides. Several ACYs in the ~12m range.
  16. My wife uses it every AM in the cold months. I’ll sit and watch ball games in the fall. Can’t imagine a pool without one, and they are expensive to retrofit later.
  17. I believe the 1000$ note without a doubt. Money has been damn near free for the last few decades, and writing a 70k check for a pickup is difficult to wrap your head around. What I don’t get is all the 90k grand wagoners and shit running around. Crazy. just hit POC for a weekend. You’ll see at least 5 100k trucks towing ~200k scbs. Yes, 200k bay boats. 20+ year loans, just making them payments on that shift work schedule. Noting to see here.
  18. I’ve never done the mothership deal. I’ll check with the guy who set it up and confirm the outfit.
  19. Damn I need to get the boat up to canyon soon. Love that place.
  20. *can be. I think 13 years in I’ve lost power less than 2 hours aside from one single 11 hour stint on the last day of snowpocalypse. 11 hours to the minute in a “rolling blackout”, when temps were back above freezing.
  21. Bosch has it. The biggest complaint I ever see with Bosch is the lack of drying. Since it’s so quiet, we run it at night, and it pops open around 0100 or so. Everything is dry when I unload in the AM, no musty anything or residual water. Also, it’s not an issue at all unless you have plastic ware. When we no longer had little babies, the problem completely went away. Before that, you’d just sandwhich each plastic plate between the porcelain plates and the heat would dry them.
  22. I don’t think anyone is threatened. You’re talking <15 years for most of the O&G folks on this board to be retired. Things are going to change. ICE vehicles will still be around (even at 50%) when my grandkids are driving. There will be more EVs. Right now Texas can barely keep its lights on thru the year. I can easily see EV taking off, then getting set back another decade after a few more snopocalypse type no power events.
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