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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. If you go with her, bring earplugs. Loudest fucking concert I've ever been to- 80k screaming females the entire time. And sit low deck/floor. We had some major Swiftie beef on our row and that bitch felt like Kroger field during Sandstorm. I made peace that I was going to die at a fucking Taylor Swift concert.
  2. Birds were sporadic, but plentiful where I set up. Ended up with 11. 7 whites, 4 mourning, 6 meelers. Shooting left plenty to be desired. Still trying to get this .410 figured out.
  3. Do what? Houston area is monthly or every third Friday or some shit like that. Thinking back now though, every single thing I’ve ever put on the curb (semi bulky or not) gets picked up.
  4. Yeah, there’s a half dozen plants there and both of the high schools suck relative ass (for today’s standards) and definitely don’t have great football facilities. Been awhile since I’ve driven by Brazoswood but Brazosport has had the same field/bleachers for at least the last 35 years. Not super surprising as all of Freeport sucks. Brazoswood had the same setup for at least 20+ years and likely still the same. The big $$ they spent was a freshman only center that went in around ‘98 iirc. Poor souls all get a huge head start on cancer and deal with buzzard sized mesquites and still don’t have fancy schools.
  5. What you mean by instructing at summer camp? I’ve got a nice left handed bow I would give away for nothing if using it for kids/scouts. I’m only 5 mins from goofy, but at the ranch this weekend. Sights, releases, whole 9.
  6. Oh I've got some work to do soon. Been too much real life going on this year to keep up proper. Tomorrow going to be a very full day. And it looks like I’ll be hauling the tractor down in next week or two to shred. But the beer is cold, birds were everywhere driving in, and I’m not in Houston. So winning.
  7. Godamn that’s a great gif. Have hundreds of negs here and you nailed it first. Well done
  8. Appreciate these types of threads. A stark reminder there’s real people behind the username.
  9. I’m not doubting you, you did it. I just can’t fathom that.
  10. Seems like it would be fun to fuck with him about reading comprehension, but time seems to be short. Other than that, yeah he’s got the offer and balls in their court.
  11. Trucks packed. Headed south tomorrow with better Wx this time. Can’twait.gif
  12. Well on a 15 year note, er mortgage…
  13. That is all the sex. Congrats. I’ll let y’all fill in the next few pages then can throw my sled back in every now and then.
  14. We’re talking actual pubs or guys on a 4chan thread? I’ve seen it twice, your post, and a text message of an ever so slightly less unfortunate looking guy that resembled Fetterman. But he was wearing a collared shirt in lieu of a tailored jersey, so pretty clear deep fake.
  15. Forget the decorum of the senate. When you ask yourself, does Jimbo Fisher dress better than me, and the answer is absolutely, you have an issue. It’s compounded if your also a fundie cosplaying an everyman. Then it just makes everyone sad.
  16. Yeah, the chart probably tracks. I wonder who’s doing the most murdering by firearm in general? https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna79916 https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/04/26/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/
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