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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. fattyflattie


    Timely thread bump is timely. I just recently let go of my 200x. No doubt it will be running for the next 40 years, too. It was in very good condition, but not mint/restored. If I ever make it big, I’d love to have a fully restored one.
  2. You get a lot of mileage out of new headlights on older cars. Takes a decade off.
  3. I lived in Cd de Carmen for a couple of years. And just never took advantage between work and drinking too much. Any long time off I had I tried to get home because I had a newborn - 2 yo. Was pretty much the opposite of the immigrants here, I was sending every (extra) dollar home. And the group I was with was much more interested in chasing other sorts of game…
  4. You’ll see an RFL show up at some point and take the cake I’m sure. But yeah, that was a short ownership for me and went straight to a 23’ pad V. Do I miss being able to run on dew, yes. Do my teeth, spine, and patience miss it? Not at all. also, I need to start fishing Mexico.
  5. Having owned a Flatscat for a brief period, miss me with that too. But yeah, indexing spark plugs. Pass. Even worse was the previous Gen to the FICHT were money, I know a bunch of guys that still run them. Another 7.3 to 6.0 deal.
  6. Come on. We will both retire off O&G then become concerned with the state of our climate.
  7. Irony being that Aplin could afford to move it, while most couldn’t.
  8. It’s expensive but there are heavy haul companies that do it. Used to be a pic of Barnhart moving a huge oak, think it was a govt paid deal. The jacking equipment and Goldhoffers are expensive, but utilities, bucket trucks, escorts etc are what would really hurt. There’s a pic of them moving one considerably larger than this somewhere. Can’t speak to the success of replant but bet it isn’t good.
  9. We are, constantly in fact. I’m not sure I can point to a single thing that’s less efficient than it was 20 years ago.
  10. I said this? Just read back and it appears I didn’t. The ones I listed have zero regard for the environment though, and while we whip their ass in CO2 output, I’d like to see the comparison of dumping barrels of oil into waterways looks like between the two. Or hundreds of millions of tons of plastic in ocean between us than them. So of course, I should give up things in I enjoy while others ass fuck our planet in ways that make your stats pretty. Makes complete sense.
  11. I know we are still the largest offenders. I’m just telling you why half the US population isn’t going to change their ways when others are encouraged to fuck the planet up. Not when you can move one state north and 80% of your everyday climate issues disappear.
  12. Maybe it was Dallas in lieu of Austin but there was several consecutive days at 103-105 that year. Either way, we are in agreement it’s getting worse. But acting surprised Americans don’t want to cut back while African countries burn tire mountains to access scrap steel, Indians and Asians ship break right into the inland waters, and Ivory Coast pirates distill oil in the swamps isn’t surprising. Not while anything north of the southernmost states is still vast and relatively affordable, anyhow.
  13. Need to deliver one to the yard, and have him collect it. When all of a sudden, Walker comes sliding that dodge around the corner. Chases him down and maybe roundhouses him in the neck. Cuff him to the roll bar and be back in time for dinner with Alex.
  14. 1980 and 83 would like a word. It definitely appears to be trending the wrong way. But this heat (and ‘21’s cold) aren’t unprecedented. There’s a dozen reasons why people aren’t willing to commit to fixing it. Selfish, yes. Not able to understand why, no. One quick look at the atrocities on the environment that happen around the world without a single fuck given, and often encouraged, should give us a big hint why.
  15. Ok. But there’s how many millions of deep red rural votes that wouldn’t have dared fuck with that oak in a million years. This was a (poor) financial decision, that appears to be driven by a financial incentive (property sell). Fuck all to do with how someone voted over the last decade. ps: lots of people from lots of backgrounds do inexplicably dumb shit for $$$. But by all means continue to believe only one side does.
  16. Fuck off. - A tree got cut down in Central Tx - But my pussy still hurts because Orange man bad. I want to cry. Can I cry here about the tree in Kerville? You wish I’d kill myself? Maybe you should touch some grass. Have some perspective. Bleeding cunt you are.
  17. No, just don’t need your whiny pussy shit all over a decent board. Go fuck yourself back to yours and cry with your peeps. Maybe tie some more completely nonpolitical topics to your bruised wittle heart.
  18. The will of the people was clear. Give them what they want.
  19. There’s a place for these hot takes. Tree thread doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with that, though.
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