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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. I’m not sure Thomas could handle the entire load?
  2. Live by the agreement, die by the agreement imo. Fuck out of here with one operator to turn on the hydrant, and another to turn it off bullshit. Layoff day for the locals almost makes it worth the hassle. Back to the hall boys. Don’t worry, I’m sure another big pipeline will come thru muledick Illinois again soon.
  3. I’m on 11 years with ours. It’s going to break now that I’ve typed this, but it has had not a single issue. Will replace with a top end unit when it goes, or during kitchen remodel. Whichever comes first. Also, this should be Bosch or Miele. Trust us.
  4. Nothing, and I mean nothing, gives me a feeling like when I read a local pension ran dry. Call Intl, see if they give a single fuck.
  5. You know as well as I do there are some areas you can’t negotiate with. I do my part by holding them to the absolute letter to their agreement. Show up pay says 4 hours, bitch, catch a seat and watch the rain for the next 240 minutes.
  6. Yeah they are wonderful. Recently had to pay a bunch of teamsters we had already laid off a week ago, because a rental co sent a non-union driver to pick up some equipment. 5 fucking hours each for every teamster that had worked on the project at some point. Bunch of fucking crooks.
  7. Close. It’s the system, bro. The fucking system that keeps them down. In case y’all are wondering, I’m paying union flaggers over $25/hr right now. Literally sitting on a fucking stool under an umbrella, not directing shit, for 12/hr day, OT after 8, double on Sundays. Fuck outta here with can’t sock away $20/week on that.
  8. Well, it’s what is driving the ones that actually have retirement savings.
  9. No, should have been more clear. I’m 2-5 hours from my fave spots in Texas. You can get into SW Co for not mind blowing money (we’ve been looking hard around Durango). Driving a few hours from there to hit a few days fishing isn’t dissimilar to what I’ve done my whole life. But yeah, that powerball hits and hello Aspen.
  10. Most of it is. Still get 1-2 decent shows a year. Turnpike played this year, for example.
  11. No, I’m saying where we’ve been looking in Co isn’t prohibitively expensive. It takes me 2.5-3 hours to get to the best areas on the Texas coast I fish now. If you apply the same to there, it becomes more doable.
  12. Just need to be within a decent distance and treat it like the coast. Few hours here, few home.
  13. Yeah, it’s definitely not cheap. But can you put a price on this fucking blast furnace down here? I’ve had time to fish the last several weeks for the first time in awhile and it’s just too damn brutally hot. Gives me the same dreary feeling as mid-Feb when it’s too bleak to do anything.
  14. We’ve been looking at a second place for last 18 months or so. Been struggling with Tx coast (life dream) vs land vs house in Co. Those pics beat the fuck out of Texas midcoast and south Texas scrub brush.
  15. This is our general area. There are plenty of dove. Bring your hip boots.
  16. Cellular trail cams email you pics and vids, largely doing away with the SD cards. Since it’s your yard, SD would be cheaper and just as easy. There are some very high quality trail cams out there, but the more reviews you read, the more YouTube vids you watch, the more confusing it gets. We’ve had good luck with Spartan. But for the price, they ought to work well Cant help with the other tech stuff, not at all tech savvy.
  17. My thoughts are the producer damn well know. Aldean, likely didn’t know because he is an idiot. But he knows now, has doubled down, and deserves all the smoke. He also likely didn’t mind once he found out. Fuck em Qfmft. Eskimo bros = small town bros
  18. Wife had an acquaintance that used to live over by you, that moved into that huge Tuscan looking house over behind the gates up the street (one that was never finished inside for a few years). Those guys built them a huge gaudy pool and it looks bad ass, even though it’s not one I’d ever entertain myself. I think their experience was ok, but everything else ive EVER heard hasn’t been good. I heard they got a decent discount for posting it all over facebook/nextdoor and just constantly jocking it for awhile. I followed the build thru wife’s Facebook and they were there working almost every day, opposite of every other account I had seen.
  19. It really helps. We did the same for a couple of years and then got away from it, but it was a nice way to knock the rust off
  20. If there ever was a surly worthy motto. And truth.
  21. I just realized what he meant by that. At the time, I thought he somehow mistakingly took y’all as black. Yeah he was on a tear on that thread iirc.
  22. Ah. Missed that part. I didn’t watch vid and missed that in the guys tik tok explanation. eta: that’s more evident the director knew what he was doing, even more damning than the courthouse imo. That’s blatant.
  23. Bruh. Top 12. Just as Cali, AZ, NM, TX, LA, MS, AL, and FL are the “bottom” 8.
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