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Everything posted by fattyflattie

  1. No lie. Enjoying the lulz. Wish I had something to contribute. Parents stopped by today to celebrate my birthday. Parkinson’s has turned the old man nearly into a vegetable in such a short time, I can’t even wrap my head around it. Enjoy the lulz while you can.
  2. I think it will, but not everyone. I was driving thru one of the huge burbs on the west side today. Just thousands of houses between 400k-1.5m for about 15 mins straight. And was thinking. I bet tons of our immigrants would buy this shit up right quick at a third of its value, and live another 2 generations. Unlikely it would ever be vacant, just a lot different than it looks now. Hello Colorado
  3. Can follow Twitter posts? This is the kind of post that will keep me up at night. I’ve been posting alongside you for at least a decade, but only recently assured myself you aren’t actually mentally deficient, in a clinical sense. And if someone as absurdly slow as you are believes I’m ignorant, some reflection is in order. Dozens of posts I’ve held back because I didn’t feel it would be right to engage. Oof.
  4. Or about 8 in a row today. Big mad my hobby is sacrosanct?
  5. @SilasCoade fuck is your problem?
  6. Not sure how this isn’t what I said. Upset WM wasn’t cancelled enough for him. Threw titty fit on Twitter about fans putting him on a pedestal. WM explodes. JI, I’m not mad. I’m donating the money from his success. For real, please don’t say I’m mad. I’m totally not mad.
  7. He was pissed because Wallen didn’t stay cancelled. He was pulled from every station in America. A year later he’s on every non-rap station, and Isbells pussy hurt and he tweeted about it. Sort of like, a salty bitch.
  8. He can be pro abortion and anti gun all he wants, I couldn’t gaf. Doesn’t seem to be working out for him on that front (lulz). But crying about putting artists on a pedestal because you disagree with a mistake they made, while drunk, while you were yourself a coke addict/alkie, miss me with that. It’s bitchmade. Which has been my opinion the entire time.
  9. He was plenty relevant 15 years ago. He was very clearly salty when someone he deemed not worthy is getting attention. A pedestal, I believe were his words. You’d hope someone so blessed with words would be less transparent, such talent? But the tweets are there. He should cry harder, it might help.
  10. Meh. Dude can continue to cry in the corner about how unfair the world is and I’ll continue to laugh. My only hope is he resides in TN.
  11. I get it. He tweets political points you agree with. There’s hundreds (thousands?) of great writers that never get as famous as the shitbag pop country singers. Maybe they all cry about it on Twitter, I couldn’t tell you.
  12. I don’t, fwiw. Never have. Do you think more than 5% of the pop are carrying at any of these events? Elementary schools, malls, parades? If not, wouldn’t that math track? And the “good guy with a gun” was along LONG before constitutional carry was a thing. It was a CC thing decades before.
  13. Don’t know, never had an issue with 3300sf, a pool with non-variable pump, and kids that don’t know how to shut a fucking door if their life depended on it. I’ll ask though, because that would suck. I’ll DM you contact.
  14. It’s the guy who somehow upset Isbell for making him relevant again by covering a song.
  15. Fair enough. So it’s a crusade you have against concealed carry I guess?
  16. Yes, and an instant response from…cmon you can get it. Try.
  17. Correct. In the process of killing more until he was fired upon, then chased down and killed. Really sucks his fortune teller didn’t let him know it was going to happen sooner.
  18. Well, shit odds but bullshit is still bullshit. Smart ass meme motherfucker couldn’t even get that right.
  19. I don’t know what everything is running right now but just resigned this week at 8.8. Dude has been solid and I missed the whole rate raise over the last year or whatever. Wonder what this months bill will be between the ACs and pool running like crazy.
  20. Opinions vary, but 400k about 10-12 years ago got you a whole lot more - I know, news at 9. But now there’s a lot of shit burbs where that barely gets you in the door. Hell there are hoods just down the street from Alief in the 600’s right now. But I agree, 4-500k gets you a decent house in the Houston burbs.
  21. He was a vet with some head trauma stuff, iirc. Wasn't apparent (other than the obvious) but that was what came out of it.
  22. And that’s fair, imo, as long as it’s noted. That obviously goes both ways for destination states.
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