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Disco Strangler

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Everything posted by Disco Strangler

  1. Welcher isn't as racist as Pocahantis, but she needs to play that card every time Dotus brings up his nickname for her.
  2. That’s what Mizzou did to Fozzy Whitaker. (Never forget)
  3. Why don’t reasonable non-Trumpkim people start showing up at these to heckle, boo and call bullshit? He is driving a narrative that is lost in the edit to many low-informed citizens that this is normal and not controversial. Freedom Riders 2018
  4. Interesting to see how he was jockeying between three schools.
  5. Cocaine Mitch is curious.
  6. The student section started it off during the USC band’s opening playing of their school song with a massive “Fuck SC” chant.
  7. There's a billboard on the highway that advertises an axe-throwing pub, The Uranus Axe Hole.
  8. Where were the republicans? The narrative will change as the ship goes down and they will paint a picture of responding “when the time was right” The record needs to be strong that they abandoned the Republic when Donald took our country too it’s brink.
  9. It’s gonna take a shaggy-level degenerate to give this one the 1, 2, x, x, 3 ranking this deserves
  10. Aggie jokes don’t write themselves this easily . . .
  11. Very much cops. The guys working non-stop to find the Austin bomber, to investigate every nut job who claims to be plotting the next 9/11, guys who are very invested in the role of law.
  12. Things have escalated since my last post. Obama’s fault. Put Barron in a cage.
  13. Is Baron actually Donald’s son? Dad is 72, son is 12. Never see them together. No inkling of someone trying to pass along life lessons, how to make the family “business” work. The Donald wants to make everything personal, why are Melania and Baron such sacred family members?
  14. Ted Cruz’ dad killed Kennedy. (Unless you are calling Dear Leader a liar)
  15. Recent history has shown that polls are worthless. People hide their true voting intention. The Rooskies use the poll results to quell turnout - why vote, since Cruz is going to smoke Beto? It’s hopeless, so Dems stay home. Democracy would benefit from pollsters just going away. Fuck Cruz and his “tea party” ascension. He is hated in DC and can’t function in any situation requiring compromise. His first thought when elected (actually second thought after shutting down the government on taxing/spending “principals” that have since evaporated) was to run for even higher office rather than represent Texas. He would be our state’s most embassasing candidate but for Rick Aggie. Cruz’ renowned Ivy League debate skills were bested by a guy who looked at the sun without protective eyewear and doesn’t know the words to “God Bless America.” According to one dude, Cruz’ dad killed Kennedy and Cruz’ wife is crazy and not hot at all (seen hotter on campus). As expected, Cruz fund the sum-bitch responsible for those statements and, like a true Texan, . . . worked the phone banks to get that guy elected as Supreme Comrade of the US. I wish we could send this internet masturbator back to Canada, but they won’t take him because of his support for long-held (R) values of tariffs and trade wars against Canada and other allies.
  16. Thunderpussy. Good debut rock album. Even better band name.
  17. I Remember when Trump insulted Cruz’ wife’s looks. Accused his dad of Plotting to kill JFK. And then Cruz stood up to Trump . . . By working the phone banks instead of a punch in the got damn nose. By very definition, the dude is not a Texan yet so many “Texans” I know are so mezmarized by the (R) by his name that they give him an unforgivable pass that they would not give to their friends (buds, family church friends). He came to power during a Tea Party wave, but has ballooned his precious deficit and got caught jerking it to the Devil’s temptations (it he only time I saw him as a human). Otherwise, his only impact in DC has been to create division (shut down non-compromising unless phone banking ), run for a different office in his first term and become known as “that Texan asshole” in the legislative branch and across the nation. We have some issues, and don’t need this shit. People come it of the woodwork to sayTexas would never go (D) in a statewide race have short memories: LBJ, Lloyd Bentsen, Ann Richards and the like ran the politics in this party for a long run. I can easily see it happen again with a split GOP in the state (real conservatives vs Danny’ tranny bathroom warrirors).
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