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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. I despise police brutality but there should be a window where if you survive a car chase like this you automatically default into the ass kicked zone. Beat his ass.
  2. Has end times preacher Sharon Gilbert said anything particularly zany lately?
  3. I've never heard it but it sounds hilarious. Wasn't Art Bell's show also called 'Coast to Coast?' Is Noory carrying the torch? When Phil Hendrie was on the radio I'd listen to his show and then it'd bleed into Art Bell's show sometimes. It was so zany that it was great. I'd go from listening to Hendrie, which was the greatest radio I've ever heard, straight to the oddest radio I've ever heard. I used to time long drives with these shows. And Hendrie would do segments parodying Art Bell that were classic. I had no idea they were eventually in the same studio until way later.
  4. The best part of this are the two dudes both listening with straight faces and nodding along as if to say, "ah yes, a reptile, well naturally."
  5. Just happy to see Texas' best and brightest vying to earn their position.
  6. Ain't noooooooobodyyyy gonna tell me how to hmmmmmmm
  7. I'm just arguing that you shouldn't fuck a wheat thresher.
  8. I think it's wise to avoid falling into the "younger generation are pussies" trope. Guys about ten years younger than me commonly did three or five tours of duty in a foreign war. I don't really feel inclined to tell them what a bunch of whiny twats they are. Two tours was astounding for Vietnam. And speaking of Vietnam, should we tell all of those guys to fuck off on Veteran's Day because we don't hand out "participation trophies?" And aren't millennials like well over the age of thirty by now? The laundry list of why Kid (middle-aged) Rock's song is fucking stupid is way too long. And who canceled Congresswoman Liz Cheney? Again, these questions could go on and on and on.
  9. Beto, no. You can't win over the ant mound by selling the ants on a "no more ants" platform.
  10. Technically, you can't "fuck everything." Doing so puts you at risk of venomous bites, mauling, bullet wounds, electrocution, arrest, porcupine quills, cactus thorns, etc. The downside is almost endless.
  11. Coach, can you talk about the number 7 and what that number represents historically?
  12. Ted Cruz is mistakenly thinking about getting a tattoo on the small of his back that says "suck a dick sideways" so he can blend in with the commoners.
  13. The Port Aransas School Board will petition for this song to become the new National Anthem and K through 12 will have to recite it daily while fighting in flip flops.
  14. Not if she ate that chili.
  15. 4 - 7 SOUNDS bad, sure. Not bad. If they create 6 or 7 more bowl games then we are sitting pretty. If you guys can't get excited about the Logan Paul Bowl then you're sad.
  16. These boys have a fire inside. They can smell the Poulan from here. They have weedeaters in their eyes. When you see the dream, you can take the dream.
  17. You have to let Card work the kinks out, drag his ass across the carpet, get the ass itch off.
  18. For those of you who don't understand football, here's what we're setting them up for: Classic deception. The old bait and switch. But just the bait here. Switch is later. Way later.
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