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Everything posted by Chooky

  1. Your lengthy contributions were basically just "but I really like Joe. You all should like Joe, too. Joe's a comedian. Y'all should enjoy him. I enjoy him." I recognize that my input is far more inane than that, but it's not like you've shed any new light on the topic. You just seem frustrated that people aren't respecting rogan as much as you do.
  2. No kidding. They just wanted to continue watching people eat it.
  3. I think a selfie in a cold tub of water will resolve all of this.
  4. Do we know if rogan even liked 'Planet of the Apes?' Did he have to sit in a phone book? A lot of details being left out here.
  5. I'm waiting for Greenwald to defend Liz Cheney and talk about how dangerous it is to censure a sitting senator for a single dissent against an orange goon.
  6. DJ Donald Trump will be pushing play on a Village People CD.
  7. That's Domino. He's trying to take a shit but you keep staring at him.
  8. A funny joke would be if you named a notoriously shitty band and claimed they are threatening to upload their music to Spotify. Then you shout a different punchline so people would know the volume meant it was the funny part. Then you air hump a stool.
  9. This sentence is funnier than anything Joe Rogan the Stool Fucker has done throughout his entire career.
  10. Young man! They have everything you men can enjoy You can hang out with all of the boys It's fun to stay at the YMCA
  11. Whether you like him, hate him or are completely bored by him, Lydon is the exact same person today. No dramatic epiphany or apology letters or crisis management teams in need of employ. He's the embodiment of consistent integrity. Maybe a snot-nosed brand of integrity, but integrity nonetheless. Whenever he has the potential to gain modern fame he destroys it. And if you forget about him for too long he'll remind you he's there. People got chapped when he donned a MAGA hat. I thought it was hilarious when I remembered that he's now a U.S. citizen and residing in Southern California. Wherever Lydon lives, guess which direction he's gonna travel every time? Against the current. Put him in the middle of Mississippi and see what he expresses. There's a fairly recent video of him travelling around London on a bus and doing commentary on architecture. He's hilarious. The same kid in an old man suit.
  12. Jason Whitlock: "Nick Saban is a coward for promoting vaccinations and progressive issues as a public icon in ... ALABAMA."
  13. I'm not gonna stand here and watch that Kintner boy go spilling out on the dock.
  14. Anthony Fauci is 81. Madison Cawthorn's IQ is also 81
  15. Nah, it's just funny that you're tolerant of deceit and misinformation as long as it comes from a source with which you're comfortable.
  16. A surplus of dumb. A backup reserve of dumb.
  17. Whatever the position, I want it known that I don't think Tom Hanks should be allowed to drink human baby smoothies. I'm against that.
  18. This was well put and I'm glad you squeezed it out of you.
  19. This is the other side of the exact, same self righteous coin. But the "echo chamber" here will screech about their victimization by the establishment media and will then fight to the death to protect Joe The Bringer of Holy Roundhouse Supplements. Then they applaud their political party for dismantling Liz Cheney for daring to dissent from the opinion they themselves had to be bullied into promoting. Fuck outta here.
  20. Whoa! Easy there, buddy. You'll blow out your o-ring.
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