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Everything posted by Crapinon

  1. If you get in a conversation with your wife about her weight, you're a dead man. It didn't matter what you say or the context of your answer, you're going to be made to regret it. You can agree that she looks great if she lost weight and she will respond "So you thought I was too fat before?"
  2. We call it male pattern deafness. When I'm focused or doing something, I don't start listening until after she gets the first sentence out. When I say "what?" I get tone and attitude. I'm trying to train her to say my name and wait until I acknowledge before finishing whatever she has to say. I've been working on her for 38 years and I haven't made any progress though. I think I'm going to do like her father did to her mother and feign deafness. She would bark at him and he would completely ignore her. After a while she would just gripe about him needing hearing aids.
  3. Can you sign the monkey to an NIL? Seems like he deserves it and we don't need him in the portal.
  4. Which carrier? I was about go to voip too.
  5. Crapinon

    Gym Pet Peeves

    When I went to see the doctor after my surgery I ask him how long rehab would take. He told me 3-4 months and I told him I would finish it 3 weeks. He laughed and said "good luck". And he was right. it took every bit of 4 months. I had to sleep in a recliner for 4 weeks because it hurt like hell to lay flat in a bed. I had no strength in the shoulder for a couple of months, I was lucky to get my arm above my head. I probably got back about 60-70% of my strength. I could probably do more but I don't have anything to prove to myself anymore and don't want to risk screwing it up again or injuring the other shoulder. I was developing arthritis in both shoulders too, so that could play a part. The biggest thing I lost was flexibility. I can't extended my arm completely straight in the air anymore. I have tried to stretch it back for years and it just ain't happening. The doctor told me he just wanted it to be close to where it was before and I guess it is. I wouldn't want to go through it again and that's why I've transitioned into "old man" weight lifting with a lot of circuit training. Not trying to get big anymore, just trying to stay in some kind of decent shape.
  6. Crapinon

    Gym Pet Peeves

    I'm 62. I tore my rotator cuff 6 years ago doing dips (too deep). I started lifting back in the 70's so I had a good 40 years of abuse to my shoulders and my only solution was surgery. I'm not sure it's an injury that repairs itself over time. Mine was pretty bad but the doctor told me if I didn't have surgery I would never have strength in that shoulder again. He also said if I didn't change my workout, to expect the other one to go too. He told me whatever I do I should cut back on the weight and never bend my elbows past 90 degrees. Never hurts to see a doc. You can always say no to surgery.
  7. I'm pretty sure the Jeep is not considered protected. But I'll start a protect the sacred image of the Jeep society just because I like it.
  8. Sorry, I meant no CR. I and family members have had run ins with his biggest boosters. I was poking fun at them and will gladly remove it. I don't want to CR making fun of aggys.
  9. Sorry, I just realized this approached CR. I didn't mean it that way. I've had family members that had run-ins with them. I'll take it down if it's too close.
  10. Goal line box? I thought the Wilkes brothers paid him better than that.
  11. A lot of people from Mexico and Central America will wipe their ass and throw the paper om the floor if there isn't a trash can because that's what they do at home. They're septic systems are pretty basic and can't handle a lot of paper so they just throw it on the ground.
  12. Yeah, I've got UT memorabilia older than most of you...........FIGHT!
  13. Don't forget their legendary status in giving directions to the football stadium to out of town visitors.
  14. JustisWalkert 9:21p AG Quoth the grackle, "Nevermore." LOL
  15. "Due to the type of person he is and his commitment to always put the players first I wouldn't trade Jimbo for one HC in CFB. Yes even Darth Saban. I'm just as frustrated as anyone but Jimbo is the right man for Texas A&M now and for as long as he wants to." Clickity clack, back on the rollercoaster track.
  16. Maybe it's an optical illusion because of the Brylcreem?
  17. Crapinon

    Gorilla sex

    Maybe I should have put it under stories that remind you of Surly? . https://nypost.com/2021/09/23/gorillas-shock-onlookers-with-oral-sex-at-bronx-zoo-video/
  18. I've seen guys who are carrying a gun in a back holster do this.
  19. Russian women in tight pants, slapping each others ass's for a gift bag.
  20. How did Rice hang for 3 quarters with the same Arkansas team that waxed our ass last week?
  21. I couldn't quite figure out where to put this. I guess it's random.... https://www.hopeman.de/russischer-poklatscher-wettbewerb/
  22. I've been reading about Gabrielle Petito, the girl who disappeared after a cross country trip with her boyfriend. He refused to answer questions and lawyered up when ask about her disappearance. But I'm pretty sure I could get him to talk playing "This little piggy" like they did in Payback.
  23. We did the same drill, but it was for an atomic bomb.
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