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Everything posted by Bookman

  1. No, she was a music major. She was an exceptional singer.
  2. In all fairness, I am utterly in love with Liv Boeree and would do anything for her.
  3. When I was UT, 1996 or so, the power went out about 10:00 at night. I went to go check on my girlfriend and she had all four burners to provide light. I'm not kidding.
  4. Seven years tobacco free. Seven months nicotine free.
  5. Based on what you've said, this is a presumption, right?
  6. Still can't believe that Trump told these dipshits to "stand back and stand by."
  7. I ordered one of those HomePods. My only complaint about the HomePod Mini is I wish it sounded better.
  8. Why do you think there "really wasn't any benefit"?
  9. Sorry, I meant switched *from* two spaces.
  10. I switched to two spaces back in 2010 or so. I promise it will objectively make your legal documents look much more professional.
  11. He's probably telling some stranger in a bar how rich he is.
  12. So they brought back the original HomePod. I may get a few. Does it sound much better than the HomePod mini?
  13. This is true. If you're going to use Calibri, why not go full-retard and use Comic Sans?
  14. Good point. I'm white, so I assume it'd be okay. But what if the toddler is also white?
  15. This was the Air Force Academy, so in all likelihood he died because of a hamster stuck in his anus.
  16. If I'm at an apartment complex in Texas and see a four-year old in diapers point a gun at me, don't I have the legal right to blow that little motherfucker away?
  17. How can letting a toddler exercise his Second Amendment rights be considered "child endangerment"?
  18. Wait, what am I supposed to be outraged at?
  19. Wings was a better band with Paul McCartney.
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