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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by ChuckNorrisActionJeans

  1. I'm sure Bill Barr will get RIGHT on that. Nauseating white trash mobsters running the country
  2. Do people understand what refugees are anymore?? Or is being irrationally cruel a virtue now? Jesus would be so proud
  3. Maybe he should STOP telegraphing every stupid baseless THOUGHT and IMPULSE he has about STRIKING sovereign countries and FUCKING everything up worldwide over TWITTER Goddamn
  4. Honestly, the Gallagher saga is the single most nauseating situation to me -- having read the facts-- after the kids in cages saga. As literally as anything can, the celebration of a person who has credibly been reported to shoot village girls in the stomach and stab teenage captives in the neck, who is so obviously an evil sociopath .... turns my stomach. That we have a large segment of our society that cheers this on, not to mention our "leader," -- there can't be any more concrete example of what a diseased and unworthy society we have at this point.
  5. yep. I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors but I think that God's got a sick sense of humor....
  6. yeah ....didn't his medic buddy admit on cross that he testified he was the one who killed the captured teen Isis fighter because he didn't want to get Gallagher in trouble? Jury acquitted anyway. Also he shot a girl in the stomach to own the libs Let the celebration of evil continue
  7. FIFY. Just to belabor it in case you missed the previous posts. But you will repeat your same tired, false line no matter what, no doubt.
  8. yep. There was some group..... forget who it was..... who had a slogan of Justice Delayed is Justice Denied. I think they were onto something. Imagine enforcement and eventual compliance and then the ability to respond to a trove of documents following a June decision even IF it goes against Trump...the SCOTUS majority knows exactly what it's doing. Scoot over on the ledge.
  9. Is it Irwin Mainway? Obvious choice for this administration. Damnit, Underdog beat me to it.
  10. I don't give too many shits about which D defeats Trump, but just curious about what the plan is for the entire displaced insurance industry employee base if they're actually eliminated?
  11. Barr AND Durham signalling the fix. What a disgrace.
  12. Didn't think I could hate an AG more than Ashcroft and then Gonzales. But Barr doesn't feel he even has to hide his bias and corruption, apparently. Unprecedented but sadly, right in line with the M.O. he's always shown.
  13. GotDAMN that Schiffty Shiff gets around. The new all-purpose bogeyman for the R snowflakes.
  14. what has the left been "trying to do for three years?" Call the Pres out on his repeated lawlessness and corruption?
  15. I'm sure it's the well-tested trope that anyone in the academic field who isn't on the R team is an elitist, ivory tower snob, looking down on us regular working folks rabble rabble
  16. Jesus, I thought perhaps that the HELPER act crap was satire. Just pathetic. Who sees that and goes, "RAWR how awesome, my life's all better now!!" ?
  17. eh I was not so keen on him as a person, when he'd make reference during class to "the blacks" as some monolithic group and other such crap, acting like a skinny I-talian Archie Bunker.
  18. Excellent analysis here: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/trumps-supporters-are-displaying-the-will-to-win-democrats-are-not/ar-BBXOAWw excerpt: The House Intelligence Committee’s forceful report addressed two issues: Trump’s abuse of power to extort a bribe from Ukraine, and the subsequent obstruction of justice to conceal the extortion. The Intelligence Committee’s hearings powerfully dramatized the first of these issues. The Judiciary Committee’s hearings should have dramatized the second. The minority complains that the American people have not heard from first-hand witnesses to the extortion. This is not true. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman listened to the July call in which Trump delivered the extortion message directly to the president of Ukraine. Ambassador Gordon Sondland led the extortion project. Ambassador Bill Taylor witnessed the extortion in real time. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was the extortion ring’s first target. Still, important witnesses have heeded the president’s order not to testify. Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and the president’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani led the conspiracy; Energy Secretary Rick Perry participated in it; National-Security Adviser John Bolton tried to stop it. All refused to testify. The process of enforcing subpoenas upon them all will be slow. At a minimum, however, the Judiciary Committee could have dramatized their refusal: Set the table. Arrange the chairs. Fold the name cards. Then read aloud the questions that should have been asked of them, if they had not obeyed the president’s order to obstruct justice.
  19. Dumb is the new black (trend, not skin). There's no shame in being dumb and venal anymore.
  20. Turley, I'd like to know how Trump isn't allowed to advance any defenses when he's allowed to attend in person or through counsel, and he is the the one preventing anyone who MIGHT have exculpatory evidence from testifying.
  21. how can Turley say with a straight face that there haven't been witnesses with direct knowledge of Trump's improper demands of Ukraine???
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