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Born to Run

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Everything posted by Born to Run

  1. Louisville Cheerleader was the Rosa Parks of her time. She made a stand and suffered severe consequences and adversity so that future generations of young women could sit anywhere on a bus and diddle themselves for money. Free at last Free at Last! *it actually costs money but you can find it for free Thank God almighty Free at last.
  2. This is my crack, a restaurant owner just running into the ground on rage and attitude. Moar!
  3. The body language looked like "don't you fucking pull away from me until the dance is over". Using his manly girth to threaten her with old man stank breath, a significant size advantage, and the valid fear of being crushed if he wobbles forward to stop her retreat. Needs a kazoo.
  4. Nah, theres one in the Nola and one in the Sola districts bro.
  5. It's almost like the right has become the non-cool kids table of dorks, freaks, idiots and closeted perverts.
  6. Why is that? Anti mineral extraction stance? Weird aliens? Sincere question.
  7. "I'd do a J with Jesus Christ." The T Shirt
  8. Ah you believe an unfair system will protect your pet rights issue. Got it. For you, and so many others, I hope you're correct. Mitch says sure thing.
  9. Well they don't give a shit about anything in the center.
  10. Yes and Daddy will be so disappointed if You, Fuck from Surly, Cletus and other great patriots don't sign it! Act now They will even do two easy payments and one really complicated payment.
  11. That bald guy has shitty footwork. We are, indeed, doomed.
  12. I've always been to scared to travel to Russia. Too corrupt, too beauracratic, to anti-west. They are just itching to fuck with you. You smuggle in weed right before a war breaks out? WTF? She fucked around by even going given the political climate, let alone while holding.
  13. Last paragraph is Very accurate. Some of the more harmful crimes are ignored, but some dude with a small amount of weed gets nailed to the wall. It's absurd.
  14. This is yet another reason why our justice system needs modernization. The entire timeline needs to be radically shortened. These cases which will breed copycat attacks need to move to the front of that spee line line with quick punishment. Yes I know justice moves slow, lawyers need adequate time for prep etc, but with technology the procedural shit can and should move faster.
  15. Lots of memories with old fickle POS Johnson and Evinrude motors Always got me home, it was just touch and go, and you needed tools and some luck. Good memories; good riddance too on unreliable bs.
  16. 2. Would be ideal, but neither will happen. They will continue to inflect cruelty. If not in Europe then in Asia
  17. Nice 1, 2 combo on Incredible Journey Fellas. Hat Tip.
  18. Born to Run


    Same, but I'd munch on some sketchy ass women, so no judgement from me on what or what gender you are fucking. I can throw no stones , I'm just not into dudes at all. Or butt stuff excepting on a lady fresh out the shower; never on me. IDGAF what others enjoy tho.
  19. That sucks I was planning to hit that one next week and grabbing one for me and my kid after school. May have to just do our own
  20. Agreed, thanks fellas for all the work. This thread is an amazing, and amazingly efficient source of information.
  21. Just not thier girlfriends.* *Former aggie girlfriend I had that rode my face like she was finishing the Preakness in record time.
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