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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BurdineBandit

  1. That sounds dope as shit. I'd love to do a run on that strip.
  2. I don't mind him too much. I've seen enough games where he looks completely competent towards his role, in spurts. Hits a spot-up 3. Can handle the ball around PnRs a bit, takes some mid-ranges confidently. I don't think he's above replacement level, and he probably won't be here for long, but on a different Spurs team he could've been a lot more valuable.
  3. Shit, I rarely have those "damn this makes me feel old moments", but this one just hit me. When I watched this I thought these kids were in their late 20s, grown (I guess I was a young teenager). Now they all look like college students basically. Also, how did that dork wind up with the blonde? And yellow shirt is a lot hotter than I remember. And shit they picked the most east texas looking redhead they could find. F-150 and dip looking mfer. When Matt McC gave his little speech about Austin being the place where hippies, cowboys, hipsters, etc. could all share a bar, I agreed about that being my ideal Austin too. But that place is going, going.... I get the points that are being made about cities all growing and adapting or whatever. But that's not the same conversation as a city losing its soul. What makes it laid-back is the values and attitudes. When the developers brought money into the equation, the attitudes and values shifted towards just that. Thus we get the Domain. And the Domain 2.0 on Riverside. And the inclusion and laissez-faire attitudes about sharing a bar with everyone goes out the window. Y'alls SXSW examples seem like a good example of the beginning to me. The social media generations will speed it up. Laid-back and welcoming and laissez-faire doesn't look good on an IG post, a cute manufactured quote on a dirty wall with a $12 cocktail in hand does.
  4. I wish I'd eaten the famous Tortas de chilaquil while I was there. Street cart in the Condesa neighborhood. The locals that worked at the hostel I stayed at shamed me for not going. And I'd wish I had not eaten so many tacos that when I walked around the business districts in CDMX I would've been hungry enough for a quesadilla with the blue corn tortillas.
  5. I won't enter this thread and bitch about the new Austin, but I will compound on this point and say FUCK Punch Bowl Social being put right on Congress. Fucking glitzy, technocratic, young-money, focus-grouped, tourist-trap themed restaurant fuckshit.
  6. Just finished 2nd to last episode. Fuck man. This is a different trip than I expected for the last season, gonna be sad to see it end. The writing is great. This episode was incredible. And sad as shit. I'll have to bring myself to watch the last one.
  7. Hate this shit so much. Why does a takedown matter if you do no damage? This is a fight. If you take somebody down in a fight and they get up immediately, you're still in the fuckin same fight. Now if I land somebelbows, or if I slam the fuck out of somebody and hurt them, that's different. But a takedown with nothing after is pointless.
  8. There's a little parking lot that used to house parked food trucks at the corner of 13th and Comal, down the street from where I live. Been there for a few years, but at some point last year the random trucks were no longer just parked, they were functioning and had a fold-out sign in the entrance that just says "Food Pickups -->". No actual walk-up service. There's only 2 trucks there right now, but I thought that was really interesting. You can see the cooks on smoke breaks every once in a while. If I worked there I feel like I'd get restless without human interaction (or you gotta have a really good relationship with the other one employee).
  9. Granted, Marcus Morris fucked us almost half as hard as Kawhi did. LMA is a bit worse this year than I thought he'd be. The strong games where he goes for 25/12 are really rare now. DeMar doesn't seem to have lost too much to me, he just is who he is. Completely sucks that they did nothing this trade deadline. 1. I know we're not big on trades, but this team is going nowhere fast, and still has 6 RRT games to slog through. 2. Then again, who the fuck in their right mind would want Marco, or Rudy, or Forbes? The only thing to look forward to this season is Lonnie playing more regularly, and mayyyyyybe we get a glance of one of the other young guys. Luka is tearing it up right now.
  10. DDR doing DDR things. Empty calories and disappears when it counts. Patty hit 2 big 3s in the 4th (missed one for the win, but fuck how much should we have to rely on our 6'2" 6th man point guard to win the game for us?), LaMarcus hit some big shots in the middle of the 4th..... DDR? Elbowed Paul George in the face and had like 7 points in the 2nd half. That's supposed to be our all-star.
  11. I went from about 175 to 106 over 4-5 months using a prescription, I think rosuvastatin (sp), something with an 'r' and statin. I exercise 4-5 times a week, and have for years, but have had high cholesterol since my teenage years (32 now). I also have a hard time saying no to sugar, but have worked to moderate myself (not stop at the bakery EVERY time I'm at HEB). Doc was mostly convinced it's just genetics, and obviously the medication worked as intended. $9/refill at HEB, take it before bed, all in all not really a big deal and has worked.
  12. No insight to the Joshua Moore situation? Just seen the team's Instagram tag him in an off-season workout photo. I'm surprised he's still around the team... His talent could definitely be used at the position next year.
  13. FWIW, he's in good academic standing rn. IDK what the football team's semester GPA requirements are (if any), but I'd imagine if they want him to play, they'll make do with a student being on good academic terms with the university overall (>2.0). Apparently. Sources say.
  14. Damn y'all got cool shit. Like whoever said they're a nobody from a line of nobodies, I'm from a line of poor Tejanos, ain't shit to inherit. My abuela gave me a steak knife set in a wooden box (maybe 70s era) that I'll keep forever, because my grandmother didn't have shit to give really but she was getting up there in years and wanted to give me something I guess. Or wanted less shit in her kitchen, which is how I assume many old women give away shit.
  15. Pretty cool seeing LMA, the old Longhorn go HARD at Jaxson Hayes, the youngin'. At least 3 baskets that quarter he just went into his chest and used that old-man strength.
  16. Forty six & 2 killed me. Pneuma, Descending, Invincible. Wow.
  17. Park? Just leave the scooter in front of the building and walk off.
  18. This is exactly what I was going to post. That was only 5 or so years ago. That bad?
  19. Fuckin' stoked. Off of work at 5, quick stop at home to "prep" and then smoke and stroll to the Erwin Center.
  20. I thought about our LHN guys after reading Acho's tweets playing the victim and boiling down our (alumni/fans') reaction to "haters in Austin". Motherfucker you aren't important enough to have haters. I never really had an opinion on him at all until he sold himself to play another opinion guy on ESPN. He was a solid guy that I think got hurt often but was talented and played some solid games for us. Those guys are a dime a dozen in the UT history books. I could rattle off 10 of those guys at his exact position. I like Ricky (and Jordan and hell even Griffin, etc.) because they get on the TV and call the games and discuss the matchups and Xs and Os but are still our guys, our boys. Acho didn't want that lane, he wanted to rile people up and spout his opinion, but now is crying over twitter because he got a backlash about it. He wants to be Skip or Stephen, but has only gotten 1/10th of the shit either of them have gotten, and is already bitching. "Haters in Austin" is such a juvenile reaction to what should be opening his eyes to the lane he picked for himself, but some people are too stupid to even see the decision they made for what it is.
  21. I wouldn't put it past Dana. But yes I agree this is absolutely a cherry-picked fight. Earlier today I thought about where it leads, should the goose win, and would *think* that the most fair (not the thing that makes Dana the most money) would be to give him the loser of Tony/Khabib. Either would be absolutely huge. Masvidal would make sense too, but Jorge wears him down. Usman/Conor? No thanks.
  22. I agree with all of y'all pretty much. I can definitely see it being a mischaracterization or misunderstanding. I refuse to believe that he'd be dumb enough to say that outright. The parts that bothers me most is 1. Why is Warren so hurt by it now? It's not like coming forward after sexual assault or something where maybe victims have a hard time being believed, but even then they're still usually extremely reactive to the perpetrator. Why would Liz go through the entire year being cool, but now can't even shake his hand, like she's triggered now? (I only bring up assault bc I've seen it already being compared to other "instances" where women aren't believed, like assault...... stupid)... 2. I see these little instances of the media trying little grenades at the more progressive candidates and it irks me. I'm not sure if I'm just paranoid, but damn it seems like they really don't want Bernie, and obvs really want Joe.
  23. Well, well, well, look where we are. I saw the video of her brushing off a handshake after the debate and it really chapped my ass. Not sure if that's making more out of it, but it sure seems like it, and she might be losing a supporter over it. This thread isn't very good, but I wanted to see what people thought about this. I had Warren at the top of my list with Bernie a solid 2, but definitely 2, and now I'm rolling my eyes hard at both Warren and her campaign. Apparently he said this shit over a year ago but now she's pissed off enough about it to leak it and make it this awkward deal that she can't even shake his hand now? Fuck that. Weak ass coordinated attack plan. I understand that Trump can call your wife fat and talk about your father, your intellect or whatever he wants over on the other side, but I'm not down with the weak ass tactics weeks before a big primary. Maybe that's why we're losers though.
  24. So do we send him to a summer coaching clinic and let him have at it? Or have one of our coaches teach him what to teach the players rather than just teaching the players? That was more of my point. I'd agree in general you can teach (some things) without having done it yourself at a high level.
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