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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Hornbeliever

  1. Ahhhh, didn't know that. My impression that led me to hate Herman quickly was just what I saw with my own eyes during those hugs. So I guess it was a savvy move with the billionaires but he lost this non-billionaire fairly early (though I rooted for him to prove me wrong for 2 years).
  2. Funny, I liked Herman and then saw Mack and him make out at the opening press conference and said "if Mack likes him this much, I think I hate him (Herman) already" I started hating Mack when I knew some inside shit in 2001 and hated him even during VY years. I talked a lot of shit about him and people hated what I was saying up until they used Colt like I would use Natrone Means. But to your larger point, Beard certainly is starting off en fuego. I hope that means MINIMUM sweet 16 but I'm now scared to actually have expectations for any specific season. And yes, I say damn we need a commitment so this board takes a turn.
  3. If this matches our games, I'd say around mid-Novembr 2022 is when we lose Arch. But we easily keep every 3-star.
  4. Until Beard loses 2 games. Then we will be criticizing every move and wish him death because he isn't immediately John Wooden.
  5. Nebraska is not a top 5 up-to-halftime team like us though.
  6. I wish our o-line could channel your internet toughness and just overall ragey-badassery into some pancake blocks.
  7. If our coach doesn't win national championship in year one, fire him. Our entitled attitude has gotten us so far this past decade, lets keep going!
  8. Hornbeliever

    Houston BBQ

    Thought about telling them but at this high a quality start rate, I figured one L isn't worth complaining about. 2 L's in a row, I for sure would say something.
  9. I remain moderate, which I know we as Americans are not allowed to be. We showed we can play great and we've shown we can lay a fart. Very very few coaches can make enough of an impact so quickly to change behavior. Our program has had a losers mentality since 2010 IMO. 'scared to death, throw up in the tunnel type shit. To expect Sark to change mindsets in 8 months is a stretch. To expect a real change in 2 years, probably reasonable. To change in 4 years, absolutely. So I am not guzzling kool-aid after Arkansas (OU and OSU bothered me less) but I also think its unfair people already writing off the entire next 4 years. 2 cents done.
  10. Hornbeliever

    Houston BBQ

    My Joe Dimagio streak at Truth is over. I'd say 35 or so consecutive visits where I was not disappointed (i.e. got happily fatter) came to an end. Got my usual brisket and pulled pork and both were Rudy's quality (which isn't bad to me, just not worth waiting in line or paying a premium for like you do at Truth). This will continue to be my go-to bbq place but sad that the streak didn't hit 56. I hope this was just a hiccup and not some change in quality or pitmasters or something.
  11. Anyone watched the Eli manning show with Ricky? It's on ESPN+ and I don't have that.
  12. Exactly. 2 to 3 scores, take the points for sure . But as much as everyone wants to criticize, we had hot hand at RB and our defense had looked pretty good for 2.5 consecutive quarters at that time. 99 yard drive seemed much harder based on recent events than the hot butter knife express it actually turned out to be. I ain't mad at decision, little more perturbed at play call. And my only small small small small complaint about Bijan yesterday was on this run. If he goes outside instead of turning inside, it's a TD fairly easily.
  13. Tell me about aggie summed up in a quote I just heard at lunch coming from the table next to me. "After last night, Alabama will be favored this week." Ummm, my man.
  14. A lot to improve but rip van winkle pansies bitching about this win last watched UT in 2010. In 2-3 years, I would bitch about a game like this. We are incrementally improving yet have miles to go before expecting to constantly compete with Georgia and Bama week in and week out. Let's face reality and not be aggies.
  15. I love it too but heavily dislike when some nice-ish restaurant tries to make it too upscale. Give me some fucking grease or go home.
  16. Who benefits (on the field) in the New 12 if we get them on our side to let us leave early? OSU and Tech, right? Wouldn't they want 3 extra years of easier schedules to win conference championships and maybe make playoffs? I'm sure it's all dollars and cents though and not field related.
  17. OK, repeating since I have same question. What does adding these folks mean for us? What triggers a definitive plan for a move so that our recruiting is only hindered by one thing and not two.
  18. I don't care at all which QB Sark picks and I only get upset when some 995 asshole tries to drum up the longhorn venom by claiming someone is doing great and the other one sucks. No one knows shit on this one, period, so quit acting like you know the better option. Once said QB is playing ULaLa, I will then either (1) know Sark made the correct choice, (2) think he made a mistake, or (3) know he made the correct choice because it's the least bad option and hate my life for yet another Fall. Get in line, fuckers (for a game, at least).
  19. I know a top recruit from many years ago.... my man got paid. So you hate knowing versus not knowing. Don't ever get to know a politician if you are into one party then. From my little time at the capitol, you'll also find out many don't believe some of the things they have to say.
  20. Anyone worried this will give more of home field advantage to aggies? Most loud college kids and alumni that travel have time and budgetary constraints. And they will face choices every year. On one hand, travel to a town that has an airport, possibly get laid by hot women and worst case scenario, you drink a shitload on a beautiful lake? On the other, fly to one city, rent a car to drive to another city, get lost and believe for one second Google sent you to a large prison complex, with the worst case being you passionately French kiss a corps member who is from a small town in Texas but hasn't told anyone their secret? Advantage aggy. They play the long game, gotta give it to them.
  21. I know yall have been at the edge of your seats but I changed the oil on my polaris myself. First time I've ever done anything with an engine. I watched YouTubes and they helped. Took 25 minutes to do, 15 of which was spent me figuring out what the engine crankcase was so I could remove the correct plug. Who knew (besides competent engine people). Anyways, thanks for advice on doing it myself. Saved me time and money and now I never have to take in for oil change. Now if I only knew what grease points to grease......but that is a battle for another day.
  22. Please take this recruiting news to another forum please. This thread is to discuss shit no one knows about but writes as if they are in the know, thank you very much.
  23. We went and had really poor service on our one visit. literally only table in entire restaurant and still couldn't land a drink for over 10 minutes and then took forever to order......you know it's bad when I had to get up and ask the 6-7 waiters who were chatting it up if they were open and that was still not a call to action for anyone. It was very bizarre. Food was fine but we ain't in hurry to go back when there are other places like mia's for the kids around the corner.
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