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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Hornbeliever

  1. I'm sure it's something like they can use a certain color now. Can you now smell maybe being in the hunt for conference championship game appearances in late October?
  2. I don't recognize any Hallmark plot if you fail to include the endearing "baking cookies with future stepkids and somehow, you have flour on your cheek" scene.
  3. The amount of ways we self-sabotage this program is endless. Doesn't matter who is coach. We (coach/players/fans/media/administration) just suck in new ways every few months. I would like to say thanks to the weather for not being horrific for us in the last 10 years.
  4. Tell me you've never been in a Golden Corral parking lot without telling me you've never been in a GC parking lot.
  5. When comparing players in football, skin color is the first and most important filter. Playing style, hand size, era and speed are distant 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th criteria for comparisons.
  6. To keep this on topic, Brett Robin was a MF. A MFing med student who Mack's vagina gave more carries to than 5 star-studs sitting behind him. Ps no blame on Brett. Dude did what he could. Pps Brett reminded me of Christian McCaffrey even before I knew who Christian McCaffrey was.
  7. We are too stodgy an organization for quick-change and this video captures some of the real coaching style we have that many posters have said wasn't in place. Our losers mentality over 3 coaches (let's hope not 4) is a virus and treated as such and that is why I haven't judged this coaching staff either way yet. Culture takes time to change and agree with was written up top....changing the culture starts from the top and must end up creating players that lead said culture. Otherwise, we will be looking for a new coach in 2025. But there is no way in hell you change our shitty culture in 10 months. 36 months, sure. I just hope all the players that come in, whether transfer or regular, hear Bo and believe it in their core. If they are here for brand exposure and Austin and are cool losing as long as they get style points by dressing up in a great suit on Saturday mornings, then we will have a tough few seasons ahead of us.
  8. Agred but he won't get in trouble. This is just people stirring things up and hoping for the worst.
  9. I'm not sure. I dont order online from anywhere much and this is my first time having to really wait at Truth's (which I didn't, audibled to local foods). I'm a sit down at a restaurant and let me eat the food at the most proper temperature while serving myself as many teas and sodas as I want purist. Old school.
  10. Ugh, htown Truth BBQ definitely hit with the Texas Monthly surge. I show up at 10:50 am like normal and would have been standing in the parking lot in line (about 50th-ish in line). I usually show up at 10:50 am on a tuesday and am first or second in line. Don't these people have anything better to do (not including myself, the answer is no).
  11. Yeah, I consistently go to great BBQ places but also hit up Rudy's for a meal every now and then. It is the same reason for going to McDonald'sor whataburger every so often. Don't have to wait very long. Good drink selection. You know what you are getting (decent, far from great). Whereas my go to (Truth/Pinkerton/etc), if you are 10 minutes late, makes a big difference in my mood since I rather avoid lines and I don't always feel like spending $30 for lunch (anti-humblebrag).
  12. Say more. I would trade a text thread with 8 people in it over 3 commitments any day. 4 in the bush is worth more than 1 in the hand if I remember what Tim Brewster said.
  13. Watched it based on this thread. For me, it fell in the odd category of "pretty glad I watched it but not sure I liked it enough to recommend to friends" category.
  14. I love being a UT fan these days because it gives us so much water cooler discussion. Is it the QBs fault or is it the WR's fault? How boring it would be to be Alabama and debate if the OL or the DB's have been more dominant over the last 10 years. At least we can all agree the UT offensive line is horrendous and that Sam should still be brought up because of his above-average play that led us to 4 straight conference championship victories.
  15. How is it not relevant. Sam could have chosen to stay this year and his above-average qb play would have led us to yet another Sam-led conference championship. Remember those?
  16. Hornbeliever

    Houston BBQ

    Long point or Greenway? I will corroborate (or not) soon if you say long point.
  17. I keep thinking to myself "what can I personally do, without a whataburger bag, to change this curse?" Been buying new Longhorn gear each year to wash away the stink of the previous year. Thinking of not buying anything new and seeing if wearing same gameday UT shirt two years in a row leads directly to a conference championship. I'm thinking yes.
  18. That's my point. For 10k, I almost did something I didn't want to do. For a million (in theory)? Hello piece of shit Ohio
  19. I abhore the cold and hate NYC and when I was 22, I almost took an investing bank job there because they were offering me $10k more than a Texas job. At 17-18 years old, this guy was going to get a large factor more for making a choice. Anyone who hates him for making the OSU choice at that age never really had choices. It's OK to think he should have gone to UT. I think that. It's straight dumb to think he made a stupid choice given what he knew at the time.
  20. Please don't forget we sometimes want them to act like a fullback.
  21. So I'd calculate that at 4% chance due to new Epsilon strain. Better than chance of keeping lead so I'll take it
  22. Can someone help figure out what is required now to get into the big 12 championship? So if OK state loses out and baylor loses out and WV loses out and Kansas loses out, are we in?
  23. I can't decide if I prefer the amazing short term laughs we would have or the beauty of locking in a long term only slightly-above-average situation for a decade plus at a&m. Tough choice.
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