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Everything posted by dimyh

  1. You know...without a good OL our chances to make the playoffs are a hindered to 1.
  2. dimyh

    Last of Us II

    Yep, I've never been a pre-order guy or gotta play on opening day type but this might be the exception. I've watched the preview a couple of times and all of the little details just add up to make it look incredible: the facial reactions when getting hit injuries are to specific locations and not just a generic damage. Shooting the lady in the face shows exactly where she was hit. Ellie getting hit by an arrow means she has to pull it out from that specific spot. animations just look smoother, she can pick something up and throw it without breaking stride even seeing little things like the bow cross-hair in the shape of the fireflies logo is just a subtle but cool touch
  3. So I made a big mistake. Usually I avoid trailers/previews for games and movies since they usually fail to deliver or give away too much story. And for the original Last of Us I consider that as an interactive movie so it double-downs on the preview risk. But I was weak. Surfing the Youtubes and noticed they had the E3 gameplay trailer posted. Tried to fight the urge but couldn't hold back and pressed that magical play button. And now I completely regret it. BECAUSE THIS GAME IS GOING TO BE FUCKING EPIC!!! Now I can't sit still without thinking how badass this game is going to be. I'm not sure if the new one can touch the emotional range of the first but I trust Naughty Dog will put together a strong story. However the gameplay portion just looks fucking incredible. The animations, the actions, the visual and audio details all look superb. The attention to detail is just stunning.
  4. Ohhhh...I was wondering if those were full of dead body parts and then just creeped out thinking that Irish might be the last neighbor on the block....RUN IRISH RUN!
  5. INB4 bathsalts frenzy Oh and I'm by no means a gun advocate but this is a situation that I would be sprinting to the local gun store to pick up some protection. There are people a little "off" and this guy who is a few zip codes away from sanity.
  6. In my Spank Bank HOF in my prime formative years. Plus gotta love a girl who will say things like this...
  7. Nothing is more quintessential Texas than this movie...
  8. Definitely a lean period but I will throw one out there: What We Do In The Shadows. Not constant laugh out loud funny but its got its own sly humor that's well done. Knew nothing about it and ended up watching it a couple of times on cable.
  9. Prayers and thoughts for you and your loved ones
  10. Good stuff there, any other tips on getting them to knock off prices based on recent damages? In year 2 of home ownership with an increase of 10%, not as terrible as some of you old fucks but still a kick to my wallet. I'm definitely not the surly 2% and need every amero I can get. Just confirmed water damage from a pipe leak. Its older house so when they stripped out drywall/flooring we identified wood root & mold. Plus outside drainage problems that may have contributed as well. Still working on insurance to see what will be covered but right now the place is an absolute dump compared to my purchase price from 2016.
  11. I, too, have trouble stomaching Indian food.
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