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Everything posted by TKthunder2

  1. If you take the new 69 P5 schools and divided them in 3rds, you have 23 big names, 23 medium names, and 23 small names. BYU and WVU would not be classified as big names. If you are looking at all of DI then sure, but we’re not talking about basketball, we’re talking about big time football. I agree the Big 12 will be fine, no need to exaggerate…
  2. I thought Apple was in bed with FOX on MLS deal. What deal are they in with ABC?
  3. Which linear partner is going to carry 60% of their content?
  4. Misogyny…okay You can point out that men absolutely can be guilty of the same thing I posted and that’s true, but that’s when talking about marriage not sex. Most men on a dry spell would fuck a USA 3 just as a slump buster. Men and women just aren’t wired the same when it comes to sex. Most average looking guys aren’t going to outkick their coverage with a one night stand on a dating app. It’s not uncommon for a 5-7 women to sleep with a 8-10 man, but it is rare for the inverse to occur. Men are a lot more likely to look past a flaw and sleep with a flawed woman and than woman is to sleep with a flawed man. Alcohol, hormones, and adrenaline helped level the playing field when in person, but when you’re just swiping left and right from your phone it’s not the same. This is a complicated issue. Technology has made so many things better and has enabled people to have connections without ever meeting in person, but a consequence of that lack of in person community has reduced sexual opportunities. Both sides have ownership in the way this is shaking out, but this thread was about passport bros and why they are choosing to go abroad and not the other way around. The topic by itself has misogynistic undertones so you’re going to have some cringe factor if you want an honest discussion.
  5. Lots of different statistics out there. Washington Post did some good stuff on this a while back which kicked off a bunch off follow up research/investigations. I believe the 80/20 thing came directly from on of the dating apps (tinder/hinge?) and other studies have corroborated the trend they were seeing highlighting record high virginity in men in their 20a and low sex participation, while the inverse for women is true, record high participation and low virginity. Feel free to go research, it’s a fascinating social topic.
  6. There are a lot of middling women out there. I have two just in my family alone and they have friends all in the same boat. Most of the are attractive enough to get get dates but their standards are all fucked up. They all have college degrees and think they are 8-10s when really they are all 5-7s. (Go watch one of these YouTube video where they ask a group of women to rank themselves, and then have the men come in a correct them). When they can easily out kick their coverage and hookup with a top 20% guy, they think they deserve to settle down with that same level and are too delusional with their own self worth to recognize that they are just one night stand material and not marriage material. They all think they deserve a fit 6ft tall guy with a college degree, 6 figure white collar job and a full head of hair, because that’s what happened with their few friends that got married either just after college or the former single 8-10s they knew all settled down with after a few years of clubbing/partying. The top 20% of men aren’t looking to settle down with a 35 year old woman. When they are ready they’ll find a 25 year old that has fewer sexual partners and still has ample time to produce children. If these women could look past men that have a single “flaw” (going bald, overweight, short, blue collar) they could be happy, but with social media and online dating they compare themselves to their friends and partners to their hookups and would feel shame for settling when they know they could sleep with more attractive men with just a few swipes…until they can’t anymore. This new culture has made a bunch of unhappy men in their 20-30s and is making a bunch of unhappy women in their 30-40s. I’m very happy I’m already married and don’t have to deal with this shit.
  7. Something like 20% of single men between the ages of 25-35 are having 80% of sex in the US. Doesn’t shock me that those with the means and opportunity are looking for pussy abroad. The dating world has changed a bunch in the last decade.
  8. Would have been fun to watch though.
  9. Curious Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, aggy, Tech, Oklahoma, Okie St leave… Utah, BYU, TCU, Houston, WVU, Louisville, Cincy join. Which conference would you rather be in? If you assume both versions have ISU/KU/KSU/BU/BYU/WVU/TCU/UH/Cincy Tech, Okie St, UCF vs Mizzou, Utah, Louisville
  10. These mock schedules just miss the point. If you’re a top 8 team with 2 top 8 rivals you play 9 top 8 games in a 2 year period and 9 games from the bottom 8. If you’re a bottom 8 team with 1 top 8 rival you play 9 top 8 games in a 2 year period and 9 games from the bottom 8. That’s balance. In both @TheContractor‘s examples you see Oklahoma, you know the team that win the most Big 12 titles of all time (fuck me for having to type that) playing the weakest fucking schedule where they will only play 8 top 8 games in a two year period while everyone else plays 9 and Ole Miss in example1 or Kentucky in example2 will be playing 10 top 10 games. You use all time wins and Florida drops out of the top 8 to #9, you use all time winning percentage and aggy falls out of the top 8 to #9, you use conference winning percentage over the last decade and Tennessee falls to #13 (not even close). And for Nick Saban, you’re talking about the clear cut #1 team in the conference getting 1 extra game against Tennessee every two years and they have had the weakest rival pairing over the last 20 years of the traditional SEC power teams: UGA/Aub, UF/LSU, Bama/TN; and of the new top 8 they have arguably the weakest guaranteed rival in Auburn. Oklahoma and Alabama should not get an easy schedule. You want to say they are getting screwed then show me the data.
  11. These are two different topics. The SEC had a pro rata deal to increase their payout when Texas/OU joined that was the easy part. That added payout though would have been the same had they added Kansas and West Virginia. The argument is that Texas/OU bring in MORE value than the standard increase and significantly raise the value of the entire conference. The SEC is using the increase to 9 games as a bargaining chip to get that value recognized in addition to the added value of more conference games so it’s a tougher negotiation. The Big 12 has a similar pro rata deal with ESPN (roughly 2/3rds of their deal) for P5 additions (meaning not SDSU/UConn) but not with FOX. FOX has incentive to back Big 12 expansion for late night inventory for FS1 since they only really have USC/UCLA filling that role in the P5. The Big 12 already played 9 conference games and was already being paid for that. No one the Big 12 adds is going to significantly raise the value of their conference outside of Oregon, Washington, Clemson, Florida St, or Notre Dame. That means the math is a lot more straightforward and the dollars are smaller since ESPN is already contractually obligated and they really just need FOX to fund expansion. So ESPN is already on the hook for both the SEC’s UT/OU expansion ($120m/yr/school), and the potential Big12 CU/AZ…expansion ($20m/yr/school). SEC is asking ESPN to give more money for UT/OU’s high value and 9 conference games (IIRC the ask is around $120m/yr or $7.5m/yr/school for all 16) Big 12 is just asking FOX to fund $10m/yr/addition or $40 total, which is only 1/3 of what the SEC is asking.
  12. lol yeah I get that but I’m fairly certain that every residential fan I’ve had have the blades are all facing the same way. Also, that did come to mind and I briefly tried to make that point but this argument was based on what she read on the internet so I wasn’t going to logic/science my way to a W here.
  13. Married coming up in 19 years this month. Wife reads online that our fans should all be running counterclockwise in the summer. Me knowing this already, changed them nearly two months back. But we had an argument at midnight about whether the fan was spinning clockwise (her) or counterclockwise (me and the fan). The fan is clearly spinning counterclockwise, but to prove it was clockwise she held an oversized decorative clock up to the fan and continued arguing while watching the second hand go one direction and the fan go the other. After a minute or two when she starts to realize she is wrong, she then argues that it’s clockwise if you look down on it so she’s right. I’m done for the night, so I let her change the rotation. I’ll just change sit back in a day or two.
  14. I mean, sure, none of it is hard set but they were trying to fit rivalries with a competitive balance. Giving the #1 team of the last 15 years the #8, #11, #13 annually (avg 10.6) while the #7 team gets #3, #4, #6 every year (avg 4.3) as mdmost suggested and you’re going to have a problem “balancing out the difficulty”. The SEC stated they would work to protect primary and secondary rivalries, true, but to keep a competitive balance you have to set standards which is the conference winning percentage over the last decade. Hard to argue with the data. Saban whined that Tennessee is more difficult now but he didn’t have a leg to stand on arguing with the data, which is why he just acted dumb and befuddled to the media about the whole thing and ignored any questions where they attempted to explain it to him.
  15. I understand Florida fan frustration but just take the top 8 and fill in 2 games and come up with a better solution: Bama: Auburn, ? UGA: UF, Auburn OU: TX, ? LSU: ?, aggy UF: UGA, ? TX: OU, aggy aggy: LSU, TX Auburn: Bama, UGA The above seem to be relatively set in stone, and from Florida’s perspective I could see you arguing for UF/LSU annually but that forced rivalry has not been seen by the schools in the best of light over the last decade where they’ve openly discussed trying to cancel it. Out of all the possible combinations, LSU/Bama is the ratings giant that ESPN will want annually, which leaves UF/OU as the odd pairing. On the bright side. While Florida will play LSU/Tenn/UK less regularly, they will now play Auburn/Ole Miss/Bama with more frequency and that doesn’t seem like a horrible trade from where I’m sitting. UGA, SC, LSU, Tenn, UK, Vandy, Mizzou every year becomes UGA, SC, Bama, Auburn, Ole Miss, Arkansas, aggy and that’s without throwing TX/OU I to the mix.
  16. Do you not know how they made the schedule? They took the last 10 year’s conference records for all schools. The top 8 in order were (going off memory here because too lazy to look up) were Bama, UGA, OU, LSU, Florida, Texas, aggy, Auburn. They set it up so everyone in the top 8 played 2 other top 8 teams annually, and 1 from the bottom 8 (again from memory) were Mizzou, Ole Miss, Miss St, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Vandy. The bottom 8 did the reverse, 2 from the bottom 8 and 1 from the top. Giving Alabama MSU over LSU means they don’t play any team in the top 7 of the league annually (Auburn was #8 barely beating out Mizzou). Tennessee has been down and Bama as a result has had a weaker schedule for over a decade. Allowing them to annually duck LSU (which is likely the MOST valuable game for the SEC over the last decade) would be a bitch move and they shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. You want to dump Tennessee then fine but that LSU game shouldn’t be negotiable. It would be a relatively easy switch. Drop Tenn, pick up MSU, aggy (who loses MSU) gets SC, and Florida (who loses SC) get Tenn. EZPZ And if anyone bitches about SOS reminder that Auburn has and will play #1 AND #2 every year. Saban is a scared little bitch and deserves to be called out as such.
  17. While I agree with your sentiment, a couple of things: 1) The schedule will be voted on without Texas. Doesn’t mean we can’t have input, but we will not have a vote. That may mean that we get the shit end of the stick during this flex year in a temporary schedule. While they will want big SEC opponents for Texas, nothing really requires that they be played at DKR. 2) Disney/ESPN can pick the game times but not the dates or opponents and they do not have a vote. The schedule is the SEC’s prerogative. They can ask for input from their TV partners but they can also just do what they feel is best. Typically they announce who plays who and then consult TV for the best dates to make sure they spread out their most attractive matchups. 3) That being said, we will get 4 SEC home games next year. Since we play AT Michigan (which was supposed to be a home game we swapped to get us into the conference early) they will have to give us at least one attractive matchup on our home schedule for ticket sales. UF or UGA are the best bets. UF has been to aggy and UGA hasn’t so that’s where I’d lean towards (though I think when I looked logically at the full schedule previously UF made the most sense). But pig, 2 weaker teams (SC/MSU), and a big name team (UGA) is likely what we’ll see at home in 24, while we play aggy, LSU, and a weaker team (like UK) away.
  18. My kids prefer these over the original ones. They are a little thicker than frosted mini wheats.
  19. My guess 2024 Texas: vs Oklahoma (Texas is the away team) at aggy, at LSU, at South Carolina Arkansas, Auburn, Florida, Mississippi St at DKR 2024 Oklahoma: at Alabama, at Ole Miss, at Tennessee, at Vandy Mizzou, Georgia, Kentucky at Gaylord vs Texas (Oklahoma is the home team) Because we’ll have an off balanced schedule with the Cotton Bowl, OU in home team in even years so they’ll only get 3 SEC home games while we get 4. We owed LSU a return game, aggy/pig are likely our 9 game rivals so we play them. Just played at Arkansas so we get them at home, aggy is whiny bitch so that’s away, and we literally just played Alabama, and also faced Ole Miss semi recently so they’ll give them to OU. Oklahoma had at 2023 home game with Georgia and a 2024 game at Tennessee cancelled so they’ll play those. They’ve also played aggy and Auburn more recently (in bowls) so those are Texas games and likely will be a rival with Mizzou and so they get them too. That leaves Texas with Florida as the last top 8 opponent not assigned, Mississippi State (since OU got Ole Miss) and South Carolina since our schedule looks far weaker so OU gets Vandy/Kentucky. Texas plays at Michigan (which we moved to facilitate this early release) and Oklahoma only has Tulane/Temple currently scheduled as out of conference so their logic to this balance.
  20. Religious so they had to hit on every other applicable category.
  21. https://247sports.com/Article/Big-12-expansion-eyes-Memphis-substantive-talks-with-Colorado-per-reports-210957842/Amp/ Memphis?
  22. Shitshow lol. But I guess this is a way to stick it to UCLA (even if it hits Berkeley too).
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