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Everything posted by TKthunder2

  1. You can make that argument for ANY school. New Mexico fucking State would more than triple their ratings if they were playing a top ten TCU team on FOX, but that doesn’t mean you add them. I don’t care enough to go back and find the links/data, but the TV people have told the Big 12 for years that BYU was the only additive addition (window cougar jokes aside). Houston weaseled their way in partially due to the Senate asking all the Big 12 TX school presidents why Houston hadn’t been invited during their bitch session about Texas leaving (lol) and good old fashion lobbying. It also didn’t hurt to plant a flag in the largest city in Texas for the Big 12 to secure its Texas footing in that media market. Houston by themselves is near worthless (as SMU will be for the PAC), but with TCU, Tech, and Baylor they were possibly additive, even if just barely. Cincinnati was basically West Virginia 2.0 for this round of realignment as school that most casual fans would have already assume were in the ACC just with better/more recent success. While their long term value wasn’t great alone, they were the most valuable available property after BYU. UCF is the only school that you might have an argument against for SDSU, but even then they built a bigger on campus stadium years ago and have had far more football success plus the state of Florida is just a better football state. I’d rather take the #4 team in Florida versus California’s the number #5/6 (Fresno honestly better football). If SDSU had Fresno’s historical success then maybe I could see the argument.
  2. I see no scenario where SDSU is pulled into the Big 12. If the B12 can’t peel away anyone from the P12, despite the feelers and misinformation, they’ll stand pat. ESPN and FOX aren’t paying more for non P5 teams. Even if SDSU was “worth it” (and that’s being highly optimistic) they’d need at least one more team who likely is ‘not’ which means diluting B12 income or ESPN/FOX deliberately overpaying, neither of which are likely to happen. If the B12 can only get a single P12 school, say Arizona, and they somehow worked it in secret to get SDSU as #14, we all know SDSU wants the PAC12 validation of teaming up with Cal/Stanford. Between that and the politics of their state I just don’t see that highly unlikely scenario occurring because as soon as SDSU is told the Big 12 is expanding with a P12 members they know they’ll get the first call from the P12 and have an invite in hand before the end of the week. Still this is their best chance for joining a strong B12 or a still somewhat respectable P12. If the Big 12 can peel away 2 or 4 members SDSU is not needed, and if they can only get 3 (AZ, ASU, CU) then why rush? Wait a few years and either Utah will come to their senses or further realignment (P12 schools getting B1G invites) or lack of realignment (think Oregon NOT getting a B1G invite around their next TV deal) could make that final spot in the B12 extremely valuable. Right now the B12 has the perfect attitude. We wanting to entertain and make money, and we are placing high value on Western members. But if they expand with SDSU, Fresno, UNLV, and Boise you immediately lower you brand, money, and make yourself less desirable to the schools that are your actual targets. I’d wager a mortgage payment that SDSU will not get a Big 12 invite in the next 4 years (around when the next round of negotiations are about to begin). If the PAC12 holds strong at 10, and doesn’t look to be breaking then maybe I could see the B12 taking a chance on SDSU at that time (though I still think it would be unlikely).
  3. Correct. Plus ESPN/FOX aren’t going to pay for them either.
  4. Yep, I cant believe they sent this over to chase. The market is fucked and giving one of the big 4 is not a good long term move. I figured they’d give them to a bank like Truist (formerly BB&T and Suntrust) which has $500b in assets and branches from Texas to New Jersey. FRB had California, New York, Massachusetts, and only lapping with them in Florida. This would have made them the 7th biggest bank in the US, behind the big 4 and Morgan/Goldman. Strategically I think it’s better for the industry to have more $1trillion backs than 4 massive multi trillion ones.
  5. The leftover PAC10 plus some combo of the best of the MWC (SDSU, Fresno, Boise, Colorado St, UNLV) and the best of the Western American schools (SMU, Tulane, Memphis, Rice) would still work but they would clearly be the lowest of the P5.
  6. The Big 12 is not adding SDSU as the 13th team. They are sending out feelers but ESPN is only going to pay an increase for P5 expansion, and FOX may not even do that. They’ll keep communication open with them so maybe they decide to expand prior to their next media deal, but there is virtually no chance they do it now. For the Big 12 it’s Arizona/Colorado and other P12 schools or stand pat. SDSU wants both conferences to believe they are a hot commodity and for donors to give money to improve facilities to get to a P5 level, but their only realistic option at this point is joining a weaker PAC12 with Stanford/Cal post Big 12 raids. If the PAC stays together they’ll simply remain in the MAC.
  7. He is, Longview aka East Texas Regional only flies to DFW and back. If you ever have the misfortune of flying out of there take the first morning flight of the day as it’s likely the only one that will not be delayed.
  8. We’re all in agreement, but my point is: States entities have more leverage than your average private individual. GOR have not been tested with a state entity (as far as I am aware). The GOR has a great chance of holding up (not arguing otherwise) Additional legislation by motivated governments (State of Florida or South Carolina) can also assist in poking holes even if the first challenge fails. Doing nothing will be costly for both FSU/Clemson, the ACC, and ESPN as legal battles are expensive. I think they will likely come to some sort of an agreement, but for now we are just seeing the first in a long line of public back and forths between the schools/conference/ESPN that will ultimately be settled.
  9. Very different enforcing a contract on a private individual, versus a state. That was just the ACC exit fee. The GOR is a whole other thing ON TOP of the 120 million. Breaking the GOR would cost FSU around $700million all in if you assume FSU is worth twice as much as they are being paid…and even more if you have data to prove ESPN is underpaying the ACC in general meaning the damage realistically could more over $1billion. That how ridiculous of a situation the ACC is in under their current contract that goes until 2036.
  10. Umm yes.. https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2017/8/5/16101556/mike-leach-texas-tech-sovereign-immunity https://www.burntorangenation.com/2023/1/5/23541692/chris-beard-fired-texas-longhorns-lawsuit-sovereign-immunity aggy uses it all the time too https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/texas-am-escapes-copyright-claims-5th-circ-over-12th-man-story-2021-09-09/ https://myaggienation.com/archive/a-m-exempt-from-bonfire-claims---appeals-court-cites-schools-sovereign-immunity/article_f4f73744-f3c4-11e2-9e05-001a4bcf887a.html and even has instructions on its websites telling you all about it https://contracts.tamu.edu/_media/documents/contractdevelopment.pdf
  11. Private agreements with Public entities are very different than deals between two Private parties. The State and Fed fuck over private contractors quite regularly. The entity of the ACC may be fucked, but the Public schools like FSU/Clemson might be able to break their GOR if motivated enough especially with a motivated state legislature and governor behind them passing targeted laws to help their cause.
  12. I think they COULD get out of it because a GOR has never been challenged by a state entity. Hard to have the state enforce an agreement against itself, and who knows what will happen at the federal level as states do have autonomy. But ultimately, I think ESPN won’t want to encourage them the test the limits of the GOR and that they have a vested interest in keeping the ACC alive (even without its top schools the East Coast league still has value and expansion options). I’d wager that ESPN will give the ACC just enough additional dollars to be allocated to FSU/Clemson/UNC/Miami to keep them competitive by re-working their deal for more conference games and better OOC matchups with ESPN owned properties (SEC, B12, AAC, MAC, SBC) and less Big Ten, MWC, CUSA and FCS teams.
  13. Good read on the ACC situation. https://abc11.com/sports/inside-the-big-money-battle-that-could-decide-the-accs-future/13188355/
  14. /Checks schedule sees conference in Orlando next week dies a little inside
  15. Honestly might be addition by subtraction. While the Big 12 officials are clearly the worst, the PAC12 does keep it interesting with their unique brand of ineptitude.
  16. Wyoming seats 30k and I can’t believe DeLoss made that deal for a 2-1. He must have killed an hooker and owed someone a favor or lost a game of poker or something. UCF had a brand new 44k seat stadium in the heart or Florida. SFA’s stadium seats less than 15,000, there is no way we would play there…maybe if they hosted it at NRG in Houston.
  17. Yep, going cashless is the new security. I can’t remember what restaurant I was at a few months back, but the staff no longer took cash at all. If you wanted to pay with cash you went to a machine at the front and put your cash in and bought a gift card, then the staff would pay your ticket with that. No change was provided. I’m sure the owners also make good money on unused money left on the cards as well.
  18. Awesome, the thread about population decline which is a subject that I am really interested in is very active today!
  19. I’m 100% for a SEC/ACC football challenge. 9 conference games 1 ACC challenge game 1 other P5 OOC game (B1G/B12/PAC) 1 guaranteed home game from the G5 That gets Texas, Oklahoma, Florida, and Georgia 6 home/5 away/1 neutral site and everyone else 7 one year and 6 the next. For the challenge, you lock in UF/FSU, UGA/GT, SC/Clem, UK/UL as permanent rivalries and then rotate the other 12. Obviously with the numbers, this would be unbalanced but rather than not including Vandy each year I could see ND being included in this agreement (especially if it’s mid season and not in the first 3 weeks). ND has recently played Texas, Georgia, Vanderbilt, Oklahoma and has games against aggy, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida on their future schedules. This would give ND its 9th predictable game: USC, Stanford, Navy, 5x ACC, 1x SEC…so they’d only need 3 more games basically just like every other school. This would also get ESPN 3 guaranteed Irish games each year and give ND more sure footing as an independent to hopefully keep them from jumping to the B1G. For #16 they could again just drop one SEC team but I’d hope they might ‘adopt’ Tulane for the challenge (former SEC member and ESPN owns the AAC’s rights too) to the ACC’s side to even out the numbers (if it had to be a true independent they could pull in UConn but Tulane has more interest due to their history and better football that makes them more attractive). Mock schedule: Bama/ND* Texas/UNC Oklahoma/Miami LSU/NCSU aggy/VA Tech Tenn/UVA Auburn/Pitt Arkansas/Syracuse Ole Miss/Tulane* Mizzou/WF MSU/BC Vandy/Duke
  20. I mean DPS was dumb but having a bad brake light is a completely normal traffic stop and if they smelled weed then searching the car is standard operating procedure. It appears they found trace amounts of marijuana so the citation was likely warranted. If it got thrown out for not properly conducting the search or testing the ‘substance’ then the girl is really lucky they were incompetent. I don’t see why this a noteworthy issue. If you don’t like marijuana being illegal then call your congressmen, donate and vote for reform. But until then the law is the law no use bitching about the enforcement of it.
  21. You’re comparing teams in polls that are happening before the SEC/B1G expand to 16. Do you really think a three loss Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, LSU, Auburn, Tennessee will be left out of the 12 team playoff for a two loss Pitt or Baylor? If one of those two teams lost to a blueblood like ND out of conference and went undefeated in conference play but lost the CCG…then sure, but short of that specific scenario I’d take a 3 loss SEC team over a 2 loss ACC/B12/PAC team. With 12 teams we really need to pay attention to SOS and Quality of Opponents for those at large spots. Conferences are not created equal, especially after this next round of realignment, The old way of thinking where sports writers would slot their polls in order of purely wins and losses for P5 teams with very little deviation should no longer be the norm. Assuming neither are champions in 2024, a three loss LSU should absolutely outrank a two loss TCU.
  22. Did you watch the video? You speak up in that situation and grab a dust pan and clean it, she’d say thank you for cleaning up your mess and then kick you off the plane for causing a disruption. That bitch wasn’t playing around.
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