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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. If you haven’t bailed on his site yet, what the fuck are you waiting for? You’re just on Truth Social-lite at this point.
  2. Nice “can-touch-toes” humblebrag, asshole
  3. The power move is to make them stacks of $85
  4. This is why we can’t have nice things… https://www.axios.com/2023/04/10/fbi-warning-charging-stations-juice-jacking
  5. Look him up on YouTube if you enjoy that kind of content. Ive learned quite a bit from him.
  6. Jeff Nippard consulted on a new app, MacroFactor, but I haven’t tried it yet. He’s all about science based diet and bulking (body builder) so I would guess it covers exactly what you’re looking for.
  7. It’s been a rough few weeks for me, hunger wise. Sitting at 204 (from 265 in Aug) and 20lbs away from my goal, I’m going to switch to maintenance calories for two weeks as a diet break. Will still have 10 weeks following that to drop the final 20lbs, and I’m hoping this will give my body a bit of a boost from the reset. I’m keeping my exercise routine going so I don’t break from habit, so I’ll be eating 3-4K calories per day which is incredibly welcome right now! Doing well with protein targets now and also adding in 2x weekly dumbbell workouts to minimize further muscle loss. Once I hit my weight target, I plan on switching to a bulking regimen so this will be a good introduction for that.
  8. Dammit, Wally. I just put my 401ks at 25% S&P / 75% cash. Don’t put your jinxed shit next to mine
  9. Yes because that’s exactly the same as a billionaire buying Nazi artifacts for his personal collection..
  10. With your hand, I’m def betting river. That said, it’s never a bluff so he’ll have to think either nut flush or boat and will rarely call a big bet. $50 is prob max you can expect a call with. I’d def call a pot river bet from him. He has a lot of bluffs in his range, esp since you don’t have As, and a bluff here will pretty much always be pot. I think his $50 river bet is appropriate. He prob planned to bet fold
  11. So, one point for “visionary”, then? “Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars” https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/?utm_source=reddit.com
  12. Its almost never needed. They invade every local Facebook group I’m in and all have rules pretty much written specifically just to keep them out.
  13. Exactly. If you expect honest answers when they plan to run again, you’re missing the point of why they even did the interview
  14. Trump wants the opportunity to give a speech on the courthouse steps. He’s going voluntarily and meatball Ron knows that. All bark
  15. Guest on CNN says 34 counts of falsifying documents, likely multiple counts per a number of different documents
  16. You need to mess with tallow stuff.
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