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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Lurch

  1. Mastodon is not complicated. It just takes work to build a feed since there’s not an algorithm force feeding you content from people you don’t follow.
  2. 2 day tourney in Orlando, 20 guys in my flight (12-16 handicaps) Finished Day 1 in 2nd place with a solid 81, but leader was on fire with a 77, so lots of work to do. Unfortunately for him, the first two holes today were not kind to him and we were in a 3 way tie by the 3rd hole. Through 8 holes, I had fallen 3 strokes behind the other guy. I hit a fairly poor drive, leaving myself 175 yards out, down in a rough valley to an uphill green where I could only see the top of the flag. I absolutely pured a 5h and could see it was immediately on line and never left it, but it didn’t even occur to me that I could get it close. When we approached the green and didn’t see it I assumed it had rolled through…. Nope! This is now the third time I’ve holed out from 165-175 yards, but I still don’t have my hole in one Other guy cards a bogie, so we finished the front all tied up with 40s. I didn’t play great on back, but good enough to get two more strokes ahead of second place with my 85.
  3. Today is the last day of my two week diet break. It kicked all kinds of ass and I won two golf tourneys while feeling extra fueled. That said, I’m ready to get back to it, still having ~20 lbs to drop in 9 weeks. Predictably, the scale weight jumped ~5 lbs with presumably excess water weight plus food in gut. I did intentionally over eat by 500 calls a day, but that probably didn’t result in any more than a half pound total of new fat over the two weeks. Should be interesting to see the rebound over the next 3-4 days one that all clears out and my body has to kick in fat burning mode again
  4. Service has become abysmal at mine in Jax. I placed a lunch order a few weeks ago and when I arrived they said it wasn’t ready yet, which has become the norm. After another 10-15 mins of waiting/complaining me and some else in the same situation got the manager and he couldn’t find either of our orders. So their system not only never reported our orders to their store, but the cashier wasn’t actually confirming they existed when we came in. I’m pretty much done
  5. As long as the trains run on time. The dude is a twisted fuck. Call it religious fervor if you must, but to me it’s just an easily reached conclusion if you simply watch what he’s saying and doing. Either you haven’t seen it, or have and don’t care. I for fucking sure would not give that asshole a dime.
  6. Really important for you to consider stack sizes. If you just call, the pot is $400+ and he just has $300 left behind. You’ll be burning money if you fold on any flop, as paying $300 to win $1000 just needs 30% to win. He’s going to have that in bluffs alone. Rather, you’ve got a monster preflop and you want him all in before he has a chance to miss a flop and fold. As noted above, you’re getting it all in no matter what, so do it now.
  7. I like the mindset of allowing myself to eat and drink anything I want. As long as I track it and get in enough exercise to hit my calorie target, it’s all fair game. That said, I did adopt the additional protein target which makes this mindset a bit more challenging, but it’s still quite possible to make it work with a less than healthy food selection. Track every little bit. Turn on the apps reminders to ensure you don’t forget to log a meal. Build the habit and you hardly think about it. I now just reflexively grab my phone to log any time I eat.
  8. That is absolutely THE chief culprit. An R simply can not win their primary with a weak score from the NRA. No matter how much they know something should be done, they’d be ending their career if they tried. Plus, knowing it’s unlikely to be successful with todays courts, they don’t even consider trying.
  9. I only used the free version for 8+ years until about 4 months ago. I went ahead and bought lifetime on it feeling that I’m happy paying for the tons of value I’ve received from it since the start. I’ve not tried anything else since it always worked well for me. It doesn’t seem to have any special sauce so it’s not likely to do anything you aren’t already getting from the others. It does auto adjust my target calories based on each days weigh in, so I never feel like I have to recalculate and adjust anything once I dial in my manual override value. I just keep hitting the targets it gives me each day and I end up with 2lbs week on avg dropping off, so it’s definitely in the right ballpark.
  10. I use LoseIt now. I had to build a spreadsheet from scratch 10+ years ago, but LoseIt does everything it did, but exponentially better.
  11. They got us good too. Turn off Always Play Sound in Emergency Alerts which will not use sound when in silent mode
  12. Look at that volume spike. There should be a Grievance Index that trades the stocks in Fox's crosshairs on any given day. Short on first mention then buy as soon as they move on to the next target.
  13. While I get the emotion of this argument, I'm not sure the politics of it are that straight forward. Republicans would WELCOME an aggressive anti-gun campaign from Democrats as it appears to be an important piece of glue holding their increasingly tenuous collective together, particularly with the otherwise socially liberal centrists. Rather, it's going to take a balance of power shift to occur and then a long chain of reactions after that to get to a point where effective gun measures can be put in place and held up at SCOTUS. To achieve that balance of power shift is probably going to rely on the effectiveness of *other* policy messages, likely democracy, equality, climate, healthcare and abortion. They're not going "along with it" but rather trying to find a prudent way to "attack" it.
  14. Almost certainly the case
  15. Ah yes, the ol' one and a half billion dollar baby split.
  16. What the actual fuck? https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/fox-news-dominion-trial-04-18-23/h_de2844f463a6d16f5e1f59a7f2d968b3
  17. Why is that? Seems parallel to the case, not dependent upon it.
  18. Golf has an image problem, in that the image is mostly accurate.
  19. It's something I've encountered quite a bit as I typically play alone and get matched up with others. They always seem otherwise "normal" until one of them says something political and they all join in with the most asinine conspiracy beliefs. I'm disappointed in society every fucking time. I frequently get the impression that they slowly realize I'm not putting on my clan robe too and so they move on to something else.
  20. It’s definitely one of the reasons I’m on the sidelines for a bit. There does not appear to be an out for McCarthy and that dysfunction we all witnessed during his speakership fight will actually matter when it rears up during this one. My guess is several weeks of govt shutdown is coming before he puts a clean bill on the floor. He’ll probably then lose his speakership.
  21. Heard it all during a recent golf round too. They also falsely believe the entire marketing department was fired over it. One of them admitted buying something else in protest, only to then realize it was also an Anheuser-Busch company. I enjoyed that story more than the others, I suppose
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