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Everything posted by royiv

  1. It really is amazing how lacking in self awareness people who come from generational wealth are. I consider myself a lucky SOB to have been born into a situation where I never had to worry about money growing up and, for that reason, I want others to be able raise their families in the same way.
  2. I have a Shar Pei mix (my avatar) and I love that dude so much despite his terrible snoring, allergies, skin problems… he just wants to be in someone’s lap and near humans at all times.
  3. Anyone know how much Tesla has spent on developing the Cybertruck? Given the lengthy delays it has to be a ton. I’m guessing the next few quarterly earning reports and investor calls are going to be ugly given the flagging sales of their (stale) core lineup and the shit reception of the truck.
  4. For someone that has been afforded every single possible privilege in this country, he’s the got the biggest persecution complex and hates the systems that have afforded him the aforementioned privilege.
  5. I thought the same thing, but it galls me to no end how un-Christian mainstream Christianity has become.
  6. Don’t forget hating immigrants and non-whites.
  7. I bet that’s a drop in the bucket compared to what DPS spends protecting Abbott and flying his ass around the state for his PR stunts to get on Fox News and Newsmax.
  8. No apology necessary for all the posts. I, for one, find it interesting and sad at the same time to see real life stories play out in realtime as a reminder that this shit is real and it’s dangerous. I hear you on life long friends. I have five friends (was 6, but we tragically lost one to suicide) that I will protect to the end and have known each other for 30+ years. Others come and go, but those relationships persevere.
  9. That sucks. I feel for you. Losing a close friendship is never easy, but sometimes there are reasons it’s untenable and this seems like one of those times.
  10. This is what is most infuriating to me in this situation. He sees you as a friend that is uber successful, has a great family, great career, happy marriage, etc. He then can’t make the connection that you’re essentially living the life that life that everyone in the world aspires to, but people such as yourself are under attack by one party to vilify a group of our community as groomers, molesters, etc., when clear data shows that just not to be the case. People like him just read conspiracy shit while “doing their research” and take it as gospel while not making the connection that someone in their close circle is someone under attack. It’s so intellectually weak to not be able to make that connection and question the BS that they are consuming.
  11. I guess when you’re born on third base with bases loaded and Yordan Alvarez at the plate with no balls, no strikes and no outs you can have that perspective about “many” problems.
  12. I’m so behind the trends. I have a tailor in my contacts and actually use her and on the rare occasion that I need to wear a tie I don’t wear it down to my scrotum.
  13. You gotta give Elon credit, he figured out a way to have people pay to be beta testers.
  14. If my employer offered me a car lease at 50% off, I would jump at that in a heartbeat. I would also make sure the discount was for the life of the lease no matter my employment status or that I could turn the vehicle in without penalty when my employment ended.
  15. Two things from that article: 1. The CEO of the National Enquirer is Mr. Pecker. Can’t make that up. 2. Said CEO of the National Enquirer is called out in the article for having far fewer credibility issues than Michael Cohen. Imagine having so little credibility that the CEO of a supermarket tabloid is a more credible witness than you are.
  16. The fact that the first thing I think of when I see the word Catera is the Caddy that zigs means GM did a good job of burning that into my much younger and impressionable brain.
  17. Google is your friend here. She’s insanely attractive.
  18. Where is Gundy moving after he unloads this albatross? I wouldn’t want to be the one holding on to an $8 million home in Stillwater.
  19. Go back and see the post that I was specifically replying to. It was about subs.
  20. Their orange idol is a rapist, known associate of a sex trafficker, philandering creep who grabs women by the pussy and they think he’s the chosen one. The hypocrisy of the GQP is what really grinds my gears.
  21. Amanda Edwards was a great candidate and would have received my vote if I lived in SJL’s district, but she lost the primary by >20 points. The only shot of getting SJL out of Congress was to elect her Mayor of Houston.
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