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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Pastore closed for good after service on Saturday night. Didn’t even make it a year.
  2. The picture of masculinity.
  3. What do you expect when the mentally ill have easy access to guns?
  4. Found one from when he was getting old. Miss this guy. Definitely captures the lab part of him, which is what my now wife always put on rental applications when she was a renter before we met.
  5. Have you still not picked up on the fact that the troll was paid for with private funds? I guess you could start a fundraiser for compost pick-ups, but in the pantheon of public needs how important are compost pick-ups? If that’s your biggest bitch about COA, you’re living life right.
  6. Some people don’t see cultural amenities as useless. They see them as something that adds to the fabric of a community. People complain about Austin no longer being cool or weird and then bitch about the cultural things that make a city unique.
  7. Private jails are all about cutting costs and providing the very bare minimum in order to maximize shareholder returns. Jail based competency restoration requires actual mental health services so I don’t see any private operators being interested.
  8. Best dog I’ve ever had was my wife's (then girlfriend) pit bull mix that she brought with her into our relationship. He was the smartest dog I’ve ever had and he was also a big ole softy at heart even though he tried to act tough. I miss that dog every day. The two of us understood each other and could communicate at a level I’ve never had in the other ten or so dogs I’ve had in my life.
  9. Hold up. 1. There’s a resort in Tyler? 2. People travel to Tyler to vacation at said resort?
  10. The assailant was driving the light blue Prius.
  11. This. I don’t want to clean my house, wash my own car, etc. Sometimes the calculus works that I would rather pay someone to bring me food rather than get in my car.
  12. That has nothing to do with the manufacturer. The airline specifies seat dimensions, pitch, density and even the choice of actual seat from a variety of seat manufacturers.
  13. How do you become an architect without a college degree?
  14. Let’s see how vaccine braggadocio works out with his crowd.
  15. He whiffed on not having Exhibit C of Troy Nehls.
  16. As soon as I get this damn PC LOAD LETTER error cleared.
  17. Ooops. https://www.koin.com/news/alaska-airlines-safety-concerns-cargo-door-pictures-portland/
  18. @JosephStang quit talking in generalities. I think I’m coming around to what you’re trying to put down here. We’re going to need some specific details on what can be done to prevent WWIII. I didn’t wake-up this morning thinking that I was going to be tapped on Surly to help save the world, but here we are. Do we need to put together some sort of militia? Do we need to start stockpiling supplies? Do we need to start having regular meetings? Give us some specifics on your plan. I don’t want this to all blow up in our faces and learn it’s because we didn’t take you seriously.
  19. I’m also going to need @Nicole44 explain how her essay ties in with the OP.
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