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Everything posted by royiv

  1. Ma’am, this is the Fuck the Police thread.
  2. I don’t disagree with the first sentence in the least, but let’s not pretend that one side is putting forth a guy who attempted a coup as its candidate for POTUS. I find that to be a problematically unique situation in the history of our nation.
  3. My will and my wife’s will both have provisions for what happens to our dog upon our death if one of us isn’t around to take care of him (or any other dog we may have in the future). It’s a pretty standard thing to have in a will as a pet owner.
  4. Let’s be honest, if you’re spending $200k on a grocery getter, money is not an object.
  5. If Ogg makes it out of the primary, I’m going to have to think long and hard about voting for the Republican in the general just to get her out of office.
  6. The same Mark Cuban who just cashed a huge paycheck from the Adelson family?
  7. We all know what he meant.
  8. Wouldn’t it be nice to enjoy a celebration without the risk of being shot?
  9. That’s the craziest thing about the video to me. They just start shooting indiscriminately in a neighborhood with people out and about. They don’t even take a second to positively identify a threat before they start unloading their weapons.
  10. That’s after the big remodel in the mid/late 80’s when they made it all fancy.
  11. We thought his vocabulary word of the day was “permutations.”
  12. Okay, they’re not elite athletes. Plenty of other athlete handle distractions just fine.
  13. I would be more annoyed by that instead of you yelling Baba Booey.
  14. I do and I have. I lived in PHX for 20 years and attended the PHX Open many times. It’s a blast, especially if you can get an invite to a Skybox on the 16th. If you’re an elite athlete you should be able to adapt to your environment. The guys that do the best at the PHX Open are the ones who embrace the environment and don’t let it get under their skin.
  15. Basketball players don’t require silence when shooting free throws and kickers don’t require tranquility for a game winning field goal. Yet professional golfers are delicate little flowers who can’t tune out noise.
  16. Professional golfers are self important pussies if they get upset about noise while making a shot.
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