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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. The spike in the stock price feels like a bull trap that would unravel all the gains rapidly the moment some bad news hits.
  2. Were you rally driving when you took that pic?
  3. What we really need you to do is get all those LNG plants online ASAP so we can get gas to a $3.50 price floor.
  4. It’s not intentional, most of the time, when uppers get laced with fentanyl. They’re cutting a bunch of different drugs and then not cleaning the area before they move on to the next drug. They’ll cut a bunch of downers with fentanyl, package it up, then turn around and cut cocaine on the same table with the same tools. Fentanyl is so potent that the exposure form that alone is sometimes enough. They just had two people in Galveston overdose on cocaine laced with fentanyl on Christmas. Got it from the same dealer at the same party. Street drugs are hardly even close to worth the gamble, right now. Way more deadly that they were in the 80s and 90s.
  5. I think China played the primary role in COVID destroying the world as we know it, but we’ll have to be more patient than the excruciatingly patient Chinese to punish them. China essentially boiled the American frog over the last 4 decades by taking advantage of our “perpetual growth paradox” approach towards business. Substantial year over year growth became the expectation for American businesses and China was a conduit to lower costs, so we started relying heavily on them for manufacturing to the point where even components in critical military equipment and infrastructure are made in China with unknown hardware backdoors that could shut that equipment down if a hot war broke out. China is our friend as much as a drug dealer is to a junkie. They kept life cheap long enough for us to get addicted. The solution is to use the same “boiled frog” approach toward breaking away from them, but at a quicker pace because the Chinese government is temperamental and prideful. The moment they catch on that significant change is occurring, they’ll turn the screws on us in an attempt to inflict as much damage as possible as quickly as possible. There is no diplomacy, there are no beneficial deals to be done. It’s a deal with the devil every time, so we need to find Jesus, so to speak. The moment we stop playing ball is the moment they turn overtly hostile, economically first. But if we can position ourselves well enough, we mitigate the damage and let them flail until they burn out, much like post-Soviet Russia has been doing. It needs to be done, but we still lack the willpower, both politically and economically, to do it. To borrow from a popular phrase uttered during the last major global conflict, we’ll do the right thing after exhausting all other options.
  6. Great, are we going to have to track Call of Duty double XP weekends now like the Cardinals have to do with Kyler Murray?
  7. Our football team in high school played “open chest” for a short while. If you weren’t covering your chest, someone would punch you directly in the sternum while yelling “open chest!” It lasted all of a couple of days before a coach yelled at us to stop doing that shit because you could stop someone’s heart that way. We thought he was full of shit, but stopped anyway because running sprint laps sucks. Coach was right, it turns out. The older I get, the more I realize it’s a miracle any of us make it to adulthood.
  8. Bingo. If Bayless wasn’t such a renowned muck raking, contrarian shit heel, people would pause and think “man, he doesn’t really mean that the way I think he means it, does he?” Bayless has made a living off of being an insensitive, hot take guy who “just calls it like it is,” so his room for error is zero. Him sprinting to Twitter to dish out a poorly worded hot take is Scorpion and the Frog level self-destruction and I’m all for it. He’s been in the business long enough to read the room. He didn’t because he doesn’t. He just flings shit on the wall and people are beyond done tolerating it.
  9. Well, shit, if that’s the case, is there any money left in the wreath fund to buy him a suitcase? We could put up a poll in the Southwest Airlines thread about which one is the best to buy for him and get a neutral color so he can slap whatever sticker of the team he’s going to on it.
  10. Most reasonable Surly folk had us at 8 or 9 wins, it just sucks to be right about it. That being said, there has been a decent amount of improvement. Recruiting is where it needs to be, we just need to see development follow. That’s where Herman and Strong lacked. 10 wins and a conference championship appearance is the standard next year. Anything less than that and it’s hot seat time. Miss a bowl game and he’s out.
  11. Nah, this isn’t the attitude anymore. If this were 2012 and these guys were still getting barely paid, then sure. I’d pump the amateurism, bled for the university sunshine all day. But this is the new era. If you want big boy money, you better make big boy plays. You wanted the business, so here’s the business treatment. Perform or get out. Have a bad game or two, sure. Get paid and be a great spokesperson for the university by showing unfettering love for Texas, sure. But Worthy has done neither of those things this season. His performance sucked and then he did all the transfer drama. He’s checking zero boxes, at this point.
  12. Texas seceding from the Union only to join with Mexico is some 6th grade level post apocalyptic fan fiction. Of course Elon would buy it.
  13. Cover the in-wall spigot on the south side of the house, drip and create a wind break for the spigot on the north side that has an exposed pipe. I also try to insulate the exposed pipe as best I can, but the geniuses that owned the house before me appear to have installed this north spigot after construction, which is why it is exposed, and I can't get the screws out to properly insulate it, so it is a yearly thing until what I have done falls off. I have to more than drip that one, though, and let it run a very, very small stream. If I drip, I'm out there with a hair dryer every morning. I also drip the inside faucets that have any exposure to outside walls and open cabinet doors.
  14. Team Drip doing well, so far. On the gas conversation, there is some truth that there are a bunch of stripper wells out there that are barely profitable that don’t support modern winterization from a financial standpoint. But the take that gas companies aren’t financially incentivized to weatherize after Feb 2021 is silly. Companies that got all their gas to market in Feb made an absolute killing. Companies absolutely winterized after, just not in the way the government was trying to mandate. This event isn’t an apples to apples comparison with Feb, but getting gas to market in a high pricing environment is a pretty good incentive to fix what went wrong last time and the lack of flow disruption, so far, is good evidence of that.
  15. We had a similar cold snap in January of 2017 that was only a couple of degrees warmer. I think I did the bare minimum for that and we made it through. The real break will come from the sun coming out with no cloud cover on Friday. The forecast may show it only getting into the mid 30s, but that sun exposure will thaw us out. We are getting only about 12 to 14 hours of sun freezing with no sun. Snowmageddon had 72 hours below freezing, very little sun, and freezing precip. We should take precautions, but let’s take a deep breath. My only concern is that my heat pump is now just over 10 years old. It ran for what seemed like 3 days straight in 2021 and handled it like a champ and I’ve kept it in good condition, but Murphy’s Law is ever-present.
  16. The college football world was better with Mike Leach in it. RIP to The Pirate.
  17. This is what convinced me it is likely irredeemably bad. Felon charges right out the gate.
  18. Would also be interested in this. I helped hunt down the site of the 2012 tailgate and can help again.
  19. KSU has a better regular season record, but one of their wins is a FCS team. If that win didn’t count, it would give them the same regular season record as us and we beat them head to head. No idea if that matters in this case, though. Other than the repetitive opponent, I don’t get the Alamo Bowl hate. We get a home bowl game that is easy to tailgate.
  20. People want to start this kid because he practices well and made a million dollars before playing a down.
  21. The Freshman Colt comparison that was flying around a week or two ago is now a bad take, IMO. RS Freshman Colt made bad reads, had trouble adapting to the speed of the game, and overall just showed his youth. But he was a vocal leader with good body language who showed he wasn’t scared of the challenge. Ewers is making bad reads because he seems rattled out there and there’s no fire or focus afterward. I want the kid to succeed but it seems like if there’s any adversity involved, he’s not going to be the one to put the team on his back.
  22. Why does it seems like Ewers has been on the take almost every game after Bama?
  23. I wonder if Burry is still heavily short on Tesla. He shorted them close to a top, so that position might be hitting its return target by now.
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