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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pescado_Rojo

  1. Anything can be a bidet attachment, if you're brave enough.
  2. I used to be self conscious until I learned I was measuring wrong...
  3. What about pixelated genitals?
  4. I had to fly next to that guy coming home from Dallas a while back. I got on the standby list and got an earlier flight home, but got stuck in a middle seat. Guy in the window seat was a little bald guy with a grey goatee. He immediately started squawking at me because I was taking too much of the arm rest. I'm like "sorry dude, I'm a big guy, I don't have anywhere else to go." but he keeps on about it. "YOU CAN'T TAKE THE WHOLE ARMREST!!" I told him he could have the front half or the back half, but I literally had nowhere else to put my arms, unless I crossed them the whole flight, and fuck him I'm not gonna do that. He even tried to snitch to the flight attendant. She looked at him and said "Sir, look at him. Where is he going to put his arms? It's a short flight, you'll be fine" Dude sulked the whole 45 minutes or so we were on taxi and in the air. When we landed, he popped up as soon as the seat belt sign went off, and he could stand perfectly upright in front of a window seat, so maybe 5'9". I made a point to let all the people on the other side of the aisle get out before I unblocked the row just to hear him huff and cluck his tongue one last time. Then, he ended up on my parking shuttle. When they called out his ticket, you guessed it...white F250 with gun porn stickers.
  5. You should change the name of this thread to "Get off my lawn!"
  6. 30% chance it was vehicle wreck 30% chance it was heat/dehydration 30% chance it was suicide 10% chance it involved an illegal immigrant, but that's the story they will try to run with.
  7. The t shirts aren't the money maker. It's the heroin sewn into the hems that brings the real money. The shirts are just the transfer mechanism and a convenient money laundering scam all rolled into one.
  8. The dude is like a bad Tinder date. "His profile looked great, but when he showed up for our date he was nowhere near 6', he ate with his hands, and he kept whining about wokeness. I excused myself to the bathroom, called an uber and split. He's still in my DMs asking me for a second date. Weirdo."
  9. I'd rather go back in time and discover my wife was cheating on me again that watch that.
  10. "I don't like Trump, but the democrats might make it slightly more difficult for me to buy an assault rifle, so...."
  11. Got a blow job in a deer blind by the Ranch owner's daughter.
  12. Or if it triggers the libs. I'd argue that one is even more important.
  13. Please oh please tell me he did something there that will have the feds up his ass.
  14. I wonder how many times that kid in the Tacoma has said “it’s a pre-runner, it’s just as good as a 4x4”
  15. probably bought it from one donor for $400K so he could sell it to a different donor for $800K. The Rick Perry plan.
  16. This. Hell, even if they ARE age group records at 15-16 or 17-18, they would still have their choice of schools.
  17. I'd try to do that thing where I pretend (wink) to be drunk and turn to talk to him standing at a urinal and piss all over his shoes. If I could get the urinal on the right he'd never see it coming.
  18. If you want to stick with TFO, look at the Mangrove Coast or Axiom II. Both should be around tree fiddy. Outside of that, Orvis Clearwater or Recon if you want to spend a little more. The Recon is around $500. The Clearwater should also be in that tree fiddy range with the TFO rods. I use Scientific Anglers Amplitude Grand Slam lines on all my saltwater rods. It's pricey at around $120, but makes a huge difference loading the rod fast for those 50-60 ft Redfish shots. I could nerd out for hours on fly lines, but I'll refrain. If you end up with a medium-fast rod, the Grand Slam lines might be a bit heavy (they run almost 1/2 a line weight heavy in the shooting head) so I'd look at the SA Mastery Redfish line.
  19. Crypto bros using their fake money to buy up hard assets was a big part of it, too.
  20. This guy says fuck off with that shit.
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