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Everything posted by Player

  1. Not good. The whole thing was just an uncomfortable awkwardness between the characters.
  2. When it’s your turn to take a dirt nap, you may as well lay back, relax and enjoy it.
  3. MC Orange will wear his hat any way he damn well pleases, sir.
  4. I’d have to go with UTEP - hands down.
  5. Masters in Hindi - You're young and you got your health. What you want with a job?
  6. I think justice is better served by leaving him where he is, making reasonable medical care available to him, and letting nature take its course. Dying alone in prison without all of the comforts that his remaining wealth might provide if he were granted "compassionate release" might serve as a deterrent to others.
  7. If he’s currently refusing dialysis and has been alleging that he’s suffering from stage 4 kidney disease since 2014, then that casts enough doubt for me to say he should stay right where he is. Take your dialysis and submit to an independent medical exam, and I might be persuaded to reconsider.
  8. Stay away, you never know what you'll catch. Just the other day I heard a soldier falling off some Indonesian junk that's going round.
  9. Good post. Dersh basically seems to be bastardizing the business judgment rule, and arguing that everything the president does is presumed to be in good faith and in the best interest of the country.
  10. Flintridge Fartknockers Flintridge Fuckfaces Flintridge Finominels
  11. "If you can convince the lowest white man that he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him someone to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." - LBJ It's a race thing for sure.
  12. It looks like he shaved the rug to make the base layer for the turds.
  13. Good question. Certainly the surrounding homes and businesses that were damaged could go ahead and initiate claims with their own carriers. I saw a blurb on the news that one of the neighboring businesses was a corvette restoration place that had over a million dollars worth of cars that were heavily damaged. Wonder what kind of policy limits Watson has, and whether the lawsuit might offer those claimants any kind of advantage in getting a recovery.
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