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  1. Her school re-ranks in January, and UT has confirmed that they will accept either the ranking at end of junior year or mid-senior year for auto admit. She wants to go into college of natural sciences and then med school.
  2. Daughter was ranked 51 out of 832, and missed auto admission by 1 spot. This was with her making straight As and taking all AP or K level classes, except for the required on-level class like Health and PACE. So she doubled up on another AP science class this semester, made straight As again, and is hoping that will be enough to put her into the top 6%. She’s been accepted at Tulane, St. Ed, TCU, SMU and UT-Dallas, with some decent scholarship money included. We’ll see where she’s ranked in January, and will hopefully be submitting a supplement to her pending app to reflect a higher class rank.
  3. I don’t recall any wars, but there was definitely a fatwa against juicy for posting spoilers.
  4. Yep - his constant “we were just facilitators...we didn’t clear any of those cases” braying made me want to thump him upside his watermelon noggin.
  5. Finished up last night. Boutwell, Prince, and especially Col. Jim Adams, can all go fuck themselves. The whole thing was/is a goat rodeo. Hopefully more DNA testing will be done to bring some semblance of closure and justice to the families.
  6. Only 2 episodes in, but I’m wondering how the FBI didn’t come in and throw cold water all over the task force and the obvious bullshit that it was extracting from Lucas. Side note: Lucas would be a good character for the next season of Mindhunter.
  7. Ability to coordinate not just limited to an offense... ...but to attire for Christmas card pics as well.
  8. SBbruin needs to have Urban paged at LAX pronto.
  9. I expected him to just slide off into the sunset.
  10. Who is it that has the little nephew that likes to talk shit to his mom? Was it Al? Regardless, I’d like to hear an update on what that cunning linguist has said so far today.
  11. Some list. Always been partial to tea and strumpets myself.
  12. Both look like fine dirty leg specimens to me.
  13. Pretty much exactly how I pictured you. I would still gladly vote for your flatulence over Trump.
  14. It would be easier for Osteen to drive his Lamborghini through the eye of a needle, than it would be for him to convince me to give a nickel to Lakewood. Fuck that dude.
  15. Petulant Unprepared Stubborn Sullen Yahoo
  16. I have one signed by lilshep during the 2017 playoffs. Top that.
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