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Everything posted by Player

  1. “She’s gonna go through some things.” “Take her out.” “...hasn’t paid the price, yet.” A gangster, straight out of central casting.
  2. “...a swagger they have not earned.” Jesus H Christ Pvt Pyle, did your parents have any children who lived?
  3. Justin Turner got traded to the Flyers?
  4. Come along children. You can shake your booties down on the dock.
  5. Jesus you're a fucking beating during the regular season, but now you're just being an insufferable cunt with all of this self-righteous feigned indignation. Get the fuck on outta here then. Plenty of room on the Harlingen Helobiouses bandwagon for bitchasses like you.
  6. But because the radio censors songs for kids she heard She thought Eminem was going to fuck his dad and Kim at the same time. But it doesn't end there. She also points out this She didn't hear "dead". She heard "gay". It doesn't even make sense in context! Oh son I wish you were dead instead of your other brother. Oh yeah mom? Well I'm gay.
  7. Way to go BigOrange. And a shout out to little doomlet for putting it on his old man too.
  8. McConaughey fishing on a frozen lake out of the back of a Lincoln. What a fargin icehole.
  9. When is phase 2 of his physical? Have another hamberder Donnie.
  10. Fuck All Those Waco Assholes! Go dawgs!
  11. He looks more and more like Grandpa Munster with each passing day.
  12. Barry Switzer Bob Stoops Brian Bosworth Billy Simms Dusty Dvoracek Baker Mayfield Joe Mixon David Boren Jim Ross Toby Keith
  13. Wtf was that slide tackle maneuver that #26 was attempting there?
  14. Kevin Durants??? KDs are for closers. Give these guys the Kevin Malones.
  15. https://www.freedomcenter.org/ https://www.civilrightsmuseum.org/ https://www.civilandhumanrights.org/
  16. I like the way the line runs up the back of the stockings.
  17. As always, praying that Dotard knocks down a bucket of KFC for breakfast, with a couple of hamberders as a chaser, and a bowl of Bluebell for dessert.
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