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Everything posted by stc

  1. i've always found it weird that there's not a central theme to the state park merch...like one designer that creates a sticker/shirt for every park. some parks have great merch and some are complete shit...and the shitty merch is often at a good park (looking at you pedernales falls).
  2. same. will have to give them another try.
  3. saw brooks nielsen at antone's last night. think i'm probably the only growlers fan here...he played about half growlers and half from his solo record. really enjoyed the new band and the reworked growlers songs. didn't love his solo record at first but it's grown on me, and those songs were way better live.
  4. because they aren't touring? or are there pj austin rumors?
  5. went to pedernales falls on saturday, it's a trickle. there's not going to be any water in that river in july.
  6. It's far from my favorite tom petty song but singing along in an arena full of people was pretty awesome, every time.
  7. good call on tia carrera, try to catch them a few times every year. used to see them religiously at room 710 for their friday happy hour set. do the melvins qualify as stoner rock? i think so
  8. i saw orange goblin at barracuda or red 7, whatever it was at the time...and there were about 20 people in attendance. don't think they've come to austin since. it was a good show. also saw them at sxsw that same year and they incessantly complained about the "broiling fucking heat", it was about 80 degrees and quite pleasant.
  9. $15 can of electric jellyfish? get the fuck out with that shit.
  10. among NIN fans, it's definitely not underrated. the favorite of many hardcore fans.
  11. always laughed seeing the name super heavey goat ass in the chronicle, only saw them live once. swedish stoner rock...
  12. Pavement is fine, but would never consider them stoner rock.
  13. for a long time i didn't realize it was steve winwood playing on this track, until i happened to read the liner notes one day.
  14. definitely agree that emory peak is not a very exciting hike, as far as peaks go. south rim is a much better option.
  15. that's an aggressive plan as those are some very long days. personally, hiking a peak and then driving several hours sounds terrible...and those are some long boring drives. snow is a fairly rare occurence out there, generally speaking it's probably not going to happen. even if it does snow it's likely going to be melted in a day.
  16. you're gonna be disappointed if you show up tomorrow, it's definitely tonight. https://tickets.austintheatre.org/9222/9223
  17. it's showing at the paramount in austin tonight.
  18. just read a brooklyn vegan article about the best bands they saw at sxsw. cheekface was one of their highlights. i had the misfortune of seeing them twice last week and they are quite literally one of the worst bands i've ever seen. indie talk-singing nerd rock bullshit. fuck you brooklyn vegan.
  19. i talked to him after the kevin mckinney set and told him what an incredible job he did for both sets, seemed like a really nice guy. that was my first white denim experience and I don't get the appeal. that dude who looks like david koresh was super annoying.
  20. caught these guys during sxsw and they fucking ripped. will definitely be seeing them again.
  21. yeah, i'm exhausted. best new finds were bat lips, dropper, death valley girls, rugburn, rodeo boys. Favorite set was Alex Maas at High Noon. Kevin McKinney's set was also great...the rhythm section was way tighter than the soulhat reunion a few weeks ago. Not sure who was on bass but he was damn good, and the drummer was Robb Kydd. Osees on Thursday night was great but they didn't start until after 1am due to the storm and I just didn't have the energy to enjoy it properly. JNL bbq on Cesar Chavez was a pretty good place to hangout, they had cheap beer and mostly really good bands and there were never more than 20 people there.
  22. I think any amount steam is going to soften up the bark. Definitely worth experimenting with firming it back up after the steam. I could see blasting it under the broiler for a couple minutes working, or maybe a trip back to the smoker.
  23. we can all agree that bruce sprinsteen performing on any stage is always a mistake.
  24. millenial moshpit is how i've been referring to it. definitely a kinder gentler experience.
  25. 2nd attempt at a pastrami brisket last weekend. Used a prime brisket from Costco and cured it for 14 days...only did 7 last time and that wasn't long enough. Made the Katz dry rub, smoked to 175 then steamed in the oven to 203. Previous time I didn't steam it, definitely like the texture more after steaming but it obviously softens the bark. Overall thought it was really damned good.
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