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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. Is your mother in the room? She's in Decatur. Unfortunately, she's not staying.
  2. Younger McMichael guilty on 9 of 9. Older McMichael guilty on 8 of 9.
  3. From left to right: Jefferson, Reagan, Washington, Trump (he's the leader), Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Lt. Winters from Band of Brothers. A preliminary sketch also included BA Baracus who was omitted for fear of copyright infringement.
  4. If you're talking to me, fishing is different because you're in a boat together all day long and it's harder to isolate yourself. Also, the conversation was specifically about fishing with racists. The people I used to give something of a pass to because of their age and how they grew up have largely died out. Fishing and hunting were the things that I happened to do with my racist relatives growing up. Without that, I have almost no cause to ever see them these days. I don't tolerate that shit otherwise, no matter what we're doing. The people I'm talking about don't use terms like, "colored boy or black NFL players." They have another word for that and I've not been anywhere public with any such people in a long time. Of course, they don't talk that way publicly.
  5. Don't answer anything you don't want to but are you yourself white, where did you grow up, and how old are you? I'm a 48 year old white man that grew up in Southeast Texas. My parents, aunts, and uncles all went to segregated high schools. Any time I went fishing with my grandfather, uncles, or cousin, I was fishing with racists and quite often fighting with them about it. I gave my grandfather something of a pass because he was born in 1920 and raised somewhere out near Marlin. I'll never again fish with my uncle or cousin because of the racism. Most of the people I grew up around were absolutely fine with all sorts of prejudice, including slurs. I'm glad I got the fuck out and can now choose who I fish with. I don't think my experience is at all unusual in Texas or a lot of other places. How did you and Sack avoid it your whole lives?
  6. Maybe he was there to clean up graffiti and protect the synagogue from Antifa.
  7. Still, I don't want to join the GQP. Doesn't look all that fun. I'd join the cult of Thulsa Doom right now if that were possible.
  8. Let me tell you something, my piper-drac friend.
  9. In some dystopian futures, like Children of Men or A Quiet Place, I think I'd try to survive and help others. Some are too bleak to bother like The Road or Texas President Joe Rogan.
  10. Judd Nelson. Someone really knocked his dick in the dirt.
  11. Hey, Pederson! You like that? You like that? I hope fans have rubbed that in his face at every opportunity. Would be nice to get the whole stadium chanting it.
  12. Something I'd rather not hear tonight in the first two innings or any other time this series: "That'll load the bases for Eddie Rosario."
  13. If Abbott beats him to it, Huffines will tweet out that if he were governor he'd be offering prima nocta and 20k.
  14. Here's an idea. Maybe you could be the Jeff Fisher of rep and just stay at .500.
  15. Bo runs right through him Puddle of roids and hair gel Brian Bosworth sucks.
  16. No. He had 5 items in the only regular lane that was open. He ended up splitting the total between a debit card and check. He asked for cigarettes. When the cashier finally came back, he got really mad and yelled, "I asked for soft pack!" After he paid, he looked at the receipt and disputed the price of one of his items, "your sign said they were 2 for 1$. You charged me $3.24 each!"
  17. I was in line behind Lincoln Riley at HEB yesterday. For 10 minutes, he tried to convince the cashier that HEB should have those customer rewards cards. He started pulling his cards from other stores out of his wallet and slapping them down on the counter. "Albertson's! Kroger! Carr's! Ralph's! Randall's! CVS! I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand this!"
  18. I think they're going for Bill the Butcher for Abe. Politics are also a match for MAGA. $50 each, why am I not making money off of these lunatics?
  19. Kind of fucked up but here goes. Donkeyseeds is the worst poster on this site. We lost to Arkansas whose coach is a fat fucking r-word but he's not clearly not bulimic. Kate's Secret was not that great a movie from what I remember but I was like 12. Fozzz, you still suck.
  20. Get some sleep. This is just internet bullshit. It's not worth staying up all night.
  21. What's up with the skull stickers on all the right wing trucks? Sometimes they're Punisher skulls, sometimes just regular skulls. They're often painted like American flags. What is that?
  22. What do you think of this bathing suit incident? Would you say that's rude behavior?
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