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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. Myself, I'm feeling more Charlie than Eddie these days.
  2. Incel? What woman wouldn't want to date a discount Pauly Shore looking genocidal maniac?
  3. More than anything else, fuck this post-truth bullshit. This is the same thinking that leads Trumpkin dimwits to say, "they all a bunch of crooks" then vote for the guy that's obviously a crook. Call me an idealist, but I do think it's reasonable to expect people to be honest in politics and real life. When people aren't honest, they need to be held to account whether you agree with them or not. Warren will gut that pig by making ethics reform a front and center issue. If you're cool with what Lewandowski said in that clip, seriously, take a hard look at yourself because any credible religion or system of ethics in the history of humanity says you're fucked up.
  4. Funny how on the one hand they rip Hollywoo because who cares what celebrities think, but on the other Trump gives medals to celebrities because they say nice things about him.
  5. The lack of Dem enthusiasm and turnout for this race is what bothers me. You'd think voters in NC9 would be motivated since the 2018 election was stolen through blatant election fraud.
  6. I think I'm picking up on the dog whistle here. Your right wing sanctuary city already exists and it's Vidor. Seems like the purpose of these threads of yours is to dress up a bunch of indefensible bullshit as an olive branch and then cry about the hostile responses.
  7. I can't believe this NC9 hasn't been a bigger story. If democrats had pulled off some of the most blatant voter fraud in memory, FoxNews and the rest of the right wing propaganda machine would've made household names of everyone involved. Special election is happening today and it's barely a story anywhere.
  8. "G Rice had great range but Alaska - that's deep," former Duke basketball star Bobby Hurley posted via Twitter.
  9. I read this in the voice of Chamberlain of the Skeksis.
  10. Half of Alabama has probably been hoping for that to vindicate Trump as a meteorologist.
  11. Those people are like trained seals at this point. They're not really hearing or understanding the words. They're just responding to the tones of his speech and slapping their flippers together when he gets to the part where he sucks his own dick for something that's bigger and better than ever because of Trump.
  12. EMA perfectly exhibits current right wing attitudes about government spending. Would that spending help those that he feels don't deserve it? Yes? Then, fuck no, don't want to pay for it. Never mind that we'd likely pay less in the long run for treating addiction and prevention than we'd pay for overdoses, diseases, broken homes, lost productivity, crime, and whatever else. Also, never a peep about increased military spending because MAGA and Jesus.
  13. Did they finally do away with Scott Fisher or have I just been lucky enough to have missed him lately?
  14. Aside from all those mentioned, I was impressed with Roschon Johnson and his "just happy to be here, hope I can help the ballclub" attitude. He looked like a guy that could play running back if needed.
  15. The chair is against the wall.
  16. Yes. The two things he's figured out in all his life: 1) He can promote himself as a brand that is rich prick that shits in a golden toilet. 2) American right wingers are a ready made cult that is ideal for his brand of grifting.
  17. A reminder that Breitbart has about as much integrity as Jacob Wohl or James O'Keefe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firing_of_Shirley_Sherrod
  18. Bonus is that all the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer wackos will be more suspicious of any new members.
  19. "greatest political movement in the history of our Country..." is every bit as crazy as calling himself the Chosen One. MAGA> Abolition, Women's Suffrage, Civil Rights, Labor Movement? Nothing this guy does or says should surprise me at this point. 2020 is our last chance to stand against a worldwide tide of Authoritarianism. I hope Liz Warren has plenty of protection.
  20. Aside from no more insults, what else might persuade you to vote for a Democrat? How can we appeal to the Pepe the Frog demographic?
  21. It won't be a cute kid. It'll be white nationalist Oliver from the Brady Bunch.
  22. Valar Morghulis Trump 2020
  23. I didn't recognize the guy in the back, but my guess was that he's someone that was either fired like a dog or that he had to resign in disgrace. Indeed, that's former White House staff secretary, Rob Porter, who resigned following abuse allegations by his ex-wives. https://www.businessinsider.com/infamous-photo-trump-omarosa-scaramucci-rob-porter-2018-2
  24. Worth it to post that slop twice. It's misleading to say that he presided over the autopsy. Baden was hired by Epstein's people to observe the autopsy which, according to New York's chief medical examiner, is a common practice. The results of the autopsy have still not been released, pending further information. Zavala, fuck off with posting Hulk Hogan, Bloodsport Capital, and The_Real_Fly as sources. It's funny how the right wingers, including the President, are so quick to parrot conspiracies on this. https://www.apnews.com/8db7a65602a741ab9f625c2c58d1f688
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