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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Bojack

  1. Gary: My bowling coach used to say a tie was like kissing your sister. Selina Myer: This feels like my sister took a shit on my chest.
  2. I live in North Austin and I'm in the same gerrymandered to shit district as Waller County and beyond. Go Prairie View.
  3. https://media0.giphy.com/media/nrZNXP9Dp57na/giphy.gif?cid=3640f6095be20ef73236587763d99e36
  4. Right on except he'd be better off backing Free Silver in Iowa.
  5. tjhooker, find something else to do today. I looked at this thread yesterday while I was eating lunch and you were calling people soyboy and bragging about fighting fools. You were still here last night defending your earlier remarks. Now, you're back doing the same shit, not even 7am on a Saturday. Let it go already.
  6. He's gotten people fired before.
  7. Or that he's O(atmeal)R(aisin)C(ookie)a of Peace.
  8. This Antlers record is the most beautiful, gut wrenching thing just about ever.
  9. 20-21-3 during my lifetime. 1-3 in attendance. Games were '92(34-24 win), 2001(14-3), 2011(55-17), and 2012(63-21). Almost went this year but figured I'm bad luck and stayed away.
  10. One of them said he's the fastest quarterback they've ever seen. I'm certain Wicket's not as fast as Michael Vick.
  11. The story goes that this guy walked up to James Brown after we won at the tackle box in '95 saying some shit like it'll never happen again.
  12. When Lincoln Riley goes to the bank, he uses the drive thru teller and makes sure he goes on Saturday when there's only one lane open. When it's his turn, he pulls to the window and sits without doing anything for several minutes. He then sends the canister to the teller and requests a pen. He then embarks on what must be the most complicated bank transaction ever which requires the canister to be sent back and forth 4 more times at five minute intervals. All the while his car is running and spewing the foulest exhaust. When his transaction is finally finished, he puts his car in gear and just as you think he's about to drive off, he puts it back in park and calls the teller. He then reviews his paperwork and counts his money without pulling through. By the time you get to the window, they're closed and Monday is a holiday.
  13. We Were The Blaseys Any Joyce Carol Oates fans in here?
  14. Add Khalil Tate to that list. What the hell is Sumlin doing with that guy? He ran for 1411 yards last year, including 327 in one game. This year, he's run for 31 through 4 games.
  15. Fuck off. If allegations like these and those against Roy Moore are concocted out of thin air, then why didn't they do that to Gorsuch or any other of the vast majority of nominees and candidates that face no such attacks? Maybe Kavanaugh is a shitbird.
  16. Vic Chesnutt is one of my very favorite artists. Little is his debut and could've picked several of his records for this thread since he never seemed to hit it big. Y'all might know him best from his part in Slingblade. He's the guy that Doyle Hargraves rolls into the door.
  17. The West Virginia fans are way cooler and we'll have a much better atmosphere for that game. The only reason I can think of to go to the Baylor game instead is that it'll be easier to get tickets. Baylor people are some of the worst.
  18. Chuckie and Gizmo are the worst gifts ever.
  19. The 2nd is a really nice Diane episode dealing with her life after the breakup. 3rd episode was mostly about Todd and a little disappointing. 4,5, and 6 are vintage Bojack. 5th is a flashback episode to Princess Carolyn's youth. I'm loving this season so far.
  20. For the full FC Horn effect, we need to post lots of played out gifs as well. 100,000 +
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