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Don Johnson

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Everything posted by Don Johnson

  1. And if only 17/9000 were on NCAAF, with 6 on LSU, that doesn't really seem like a problem for LSU.
  2. I think I just realized I'm bi-sexual and in an ENM relationship with some guys I watch games with.
  3. 2003 to 2013 seems like a big jump, specifically due to technology. 2013 to 2023 just doesn't to me. Maybe I am actually crazy (and getting old). By 2013, most people were on the 7th generation of iphone.
  4. I like how that is presented as new news. Twitter... A simple google search shows that the 672 was known from the beginning of this story. the 215 is since 2016. 672 since 2008. I'm sure if you go back further in time, the number will increase even more and Pam Keith, Esq can say "well....that's now _____ bodies." https://jacksonadvocateonline.com/crump-wants-inquiry-of-215-people-buried-in-county-paupers-field/
  5. True but in 2013, kids were on their iPhones, posting on instagram and Twitter and facebook. Same as 2023.
  6. Hard to disagree that a lot of issues in 2013 have gotten worse in 10 years. Just doesn't seem all that different to me. But again, I started that post acknowledging that I'm probably old man yelling at clouds. Could probably take this thread down into the gutter talking about how today's kids have such mental health issues.
  7. Not really. Seems like pretty similar high school experiences to me. Music seems the same. Video games seem the same. Kids just on their smart phones posting on social media the same.
  8. I'm probably old man yelling at clouds here, but there was a world of cultural difference between 1975 and 1985. And just as much 1985 to 1995. I don't see a fucking thing different between 2013 and 2023.....
  9. I'm not going argue the specifics of whether it was criminal or not, but IMO, if they remade that movie today, the likeable leading actor isn't having sex with a high school girl.
  10. Revenge of the Nerds passes the test because Booger was out combing the high schools all day looking for a date. But seriously, it - along with Animal House and Old School - was just part of a side cenversation about rapey movies not aging well, like some scenes in these HS movies.
  11. You wondering why a college movie isn't anyone's favorite high school movie?
  12. Speaking of rapey movies.... Two movies that (in my head) are recent but really aren't - Varsity Blues and Old School - have scenes that certainly wouldn't be included today. Tweeder's quote above. Mitch from Old School hooking up with a high school girl.
  13. Probably just easier to pick the best for each decade or even every 5 years period. I'm late Gen X (1977) and while I love The Breakfast Club, I was in 3rd grade when it came out and don't relate to it at all. American Pie, I absolutely related to. Came out when I was a senior in college and very much felt like my HS era just 4 years prior.
  14. Honestly, college coaches deserve more. They are the coach, the GM, have to kiss boosters' asses, have to kiss players' asses, have to kiss players' parents' asses, have to keep kids in class/eligible and now they have to recruit their entire roster every single year. 365 days a year they do this. NFL coaches just coach and weigh in on personnel decisions. That's it.
  15. I originally thought Norvell was out with his tweet yesterday about the future at FSU. But apparently that was about a recruit, so he's probably still very much in play.
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