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Everything posted by BHMCruiser

  1. Oh it was awesome. I'm just saying the other scenes were classic Vader in terms of dread versus demonstration
  2. Vader makes Rogue One, but not the last scene. It's his other scenes - the confrontation with Director Krennic and showing up in the Star Destroyer to destroy the Rebel fleet - that were classic Vader.
  3. It was high school and I was not picky
  4. I just realized I responded to a 2 month old post. My bad.
  5. This is only true if you omit the Nolan Batman trilogy from "DC movies." Those movies were far superior to any of the Marvel movies.
  6. This reminds me of the first time I put on a condom
  7. You should meet more interesting people.
  8. At your age that's calcification. It's probably necrotic.
  9. I don't give a fuck what people are interested in. That sounds like a recipe to listening to some dildo talk about Ireland or some shit for an hour. I'd much rather find out what they do. If they do something, and they don't like what they do, then you know everything you need to know about them, and don't have to hear about how the Blarney Stone is actually super hard to reach or whatever.
  10. And most of them suck. Omni Parker House? Sucks. Fairmont Copley Plaza? Sucks. As far as I'm concerned, you're better off just grabbing the Hilton or whatever closest to where you want to be. The rest are too expensive and not very nice. They do have some boutique places that are okay (like the Envoy over by the District/Circuit Court), but they are expensive and weird.
  11. This should have been posted in the STEAK thread
  12. They can pour bourbon into a glass and then leave me alone? Sounds great.
  13. The slow motion shoot out was fantastic. People losing their nerve one at a time.
  14. It must be completely fucking terrible. And I can't believe that everybody has to sit around and pretend that it's not, no matter what. It's like Mutually Assured Destruction. Do you love Hamilton? Yes, I love Hamilton! Everybody must love Hamilton!
  15. Renal failure is not very funny. Neg rep
  16. I am torn here. Did she die in a funny way? Just kidding. Sorry for your loss.
  17. I'm not going to watch any of it. Nobody is going to watch any of it.
  18. "So we all joke about how a simple fridge purchase can end up costing you a lot of money........." Dude I am not watching a 14 minute long video. Get out of here with that bullshit
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