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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dnaguy

  1. This came across my feed. Go to minute 19. Whooo boy do I bet that J-Stew wants some take-backsies on that take.
  2. Hell yeah. Bring back plenary indulgences… but then take it for a 21st century crowd funding / MLM / securities angle. Can you imagine? We could create a Trump plenary indulgence security backed by the fact that his base will continuously donate $5 every indictment. Then we take that and craft a very nice MLM business in which we have folks selling the securities to the same rubes! Holy shit! ANNNNNNdDDdDdD then we turn it around and start the same grift with Penalry Indulgences to dumb liberals A harder grift, yes. But I bet there’s blood in the turnip. Enough that when the first grift is starting to wane, we can supplement the cash flow.
  3. Yes, but what does @gatormarc think? I think we owe it to him to chime in. Of course, of course.
  4. Dnaguy

    Texas Primaries

    Not until the brownshirts show up.
  5. Ok so the 5 highest ranked regular season champs get auto bids. Then any of the conf champs that weren’t also the reg season champs get auto bids. Of those, the highest 4 ranked teams at the conclusion of the conf champs get byes. Whatever spots left are wildcards…. Until the next contract where we go to 16… then 20… then 24….. etc, etc /CFP
  6. That’s it! Man talk about blast from the past. It always seemed to be on UPN or CW or whatever on Saturdays or Sundays during the mid or late 90’s. After typing this I realize how incredibly ridiculously specifically nonspecific I am.
  7. What was the show she was on where the dad was an Al Bundy rip off that talked to a rabbit puppet? Im too lazy to google and know you fucks well enough to know you’ll know.
  8. Would you say it was just like heaven? Idk, but regardless I’m a better man for listening to both.
  9. I’ll bet my monthly mortgage payment that Paul Rudd has a painting in his attic that looks old AF.
  10. Yeah but why does the brunet he’s banging keep keep getting younger. Does George Clooney’s ejaculate have some sort of Benjamin Button quality? Was Ponce De Leon just barking up the wrong tree?
  11. You’re right. Let’s cancel his ass. /Liberati
  12. You’re not wrong about physical / outrageous comics. But the smart ones tend to become bitter and that makes them unfunny as satire stops becoming satire when it’s mean. He still comes at it from a place of hope and is putting up the mirror to society in a an effort to change it for the better. I look at someone like George Carlin as someone who towards the end no longer had any hope. He was bitter and it came across in not being that funny anymore
  13. In no way, shape, or form was Falwell Jr. a limp cuck. A cuck, yes. But that dude was rock hard and telling them what to do / stroking it like he was both a coxswain and a rower at a crew competition.
  14. 1.) The whole love and caring Jesus just isn’t cool anymore. He’s kinda gay…. And that’s not ok. We need to reframe him in a way that fits a narrative that works with current Americans and that can be intertwined with a sense of patriotism as well to control a huge swath of the electorate. Just not weird like Mormonism as the underwear and extra wives is totally fucked. Prosperity doctrine works in a kind of two-for-one way in the patriotism and keeping the poor on the hamster wheel. Abortion is also helpful to accomplish this extremely well as everyone loves a baby. Great distraction / sleight of hand. 2.) We White men are losing control. The only way to keep control is to subjugate woman and minorities and to limit immigration. Hence the abortion stuff, again, as well as gerrymandering, guns (they’re more likely to die anyway from’em), and immigration demonization. Thank you for listening to my TED talk. /MAGA
  15. A limp dick is the devil’s domain. A satan softie just means you didn’t let the Holy Spirit enter your bed with you and your wife for a Devine Trinity.
  16. I’d check the company finances. Executive suicide usually and indicator that books are cooked or that significant assets are underwater.
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