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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dnaguy

  1. I say we take a shot of this every time she divulges another part of the scheme to lessen the blow in case it is true…..
  2. Oh and if you don’t want to pay for parking, there’s usually always free street parking on the weekends further to the center of downtown / towards the Theater district. I would park there a lot of times, walk towards the stadium, stop in The Flying Saucer for a beer, and then continue on the game. Now granted that’s usually for an afternoon / evening game and not in the morning.
  3. Also might be fun for you guys to Uber to the St Arnold’s brewery Saturday morning if you’re up for it. Cool spot if 8th Wonder isn’t your jam but likely more families there so better stay away you degenerates.
  4. Ninfas or El Tiempo in Navigation if you guys want the true Houston style TexMex. El Tiempo has the best fajitas in the world. Fight me. But their weekend breakfast / brunch is also the tits. You get a whole basket of Mexican sweat bread with it for free…
  5. I was thinking about Dred Scott the other day. One thing AP history drilled down in us is that it was a terrible decision. Maybe the worst ever by the Supreme Court. It upended a tenuous ‘peace’ created by the Missouri compromise… and set us on the path to the civil war. And that’s outside of the abhorrent moral aspect of it. All that being said, I am 100% sure this court in its make up would have ruled the same way. Maybe not 7-2 but sure as shit 6-3. The Supreme Court is undoing the protections of a post civil war / post Jim Crow / post civil rights era that helped America rise to be the leader of the free world. Without those protections we rot from within and ultimately face the same fate as we did in the mid 19th century. I fundamentally do not understand how the federalists society, fascists, conservative catholic bloc, and Crow disciples think that this leads to a better America. Or maybe they don’t and they just want to hoard their billions. And their calculation is that they’ll be the ruling class / on the winning side of any civil conflict. It’s so dystopianly unAmerican
  6. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered. This is the same kind of shit the Big12 refs pull on Texas. You mess around the edges enough and call subjective shit to give yourself enough cover / plausible deniability to be explained away. Putting your thumb on the scale may not effect every outcome to the one you want, but do it enough and you'll win the numbers game.
  7. If you drive past a stopped school bus while they're picking up kids / letting them off, I know you're not my people.
  8. I'll add something on top of it... at least for Uber Eats. Have you ever had food show up an hour late and cold.... not due to the delivery person who actually delivers it but because the original guy bugged out and your shit sat for 45 minutes. I have. And you've already tipped / it's not the last guy's fault. I try to get all my $ back. There's no recourse. The agents won't give it to you and offer you a $5 or $10 credit towards your next purchase. Their 'managers' aren't available and supposedly are supposed to call you the next day or some shit. It's a total scam through and through. I've completely disavowed Uber easts b/c of this.
  9. This is peak internet. Shut it down. We will never top this.
  10. Thats who i originally was gonna say but they lost 100 in like 1907 and 1908 or some shit Damn.
  11. I’ll take a stab…. The Cardinals.
  12. All his incentives are to keep the war goi g on. His government will collapse when the war time coalition disbands. he’ll likely lose the resulting election if he’s not prime minister he must stand trial and it’s likely he’ll be convicted Trump is the most pliable American leader and will let him do whatever he wants And in the event of him being convicted, Trump is likelier to grant him asylum if that ever takes place So if he can hang on long enough, maybe he weathers the storm. Maybe he hangs on long enough for another admin that is friendlier to him politically and personally. Theres really nothing short of the UN , which is toothless, that would incentivize Bibi to stop his current tract
  13. Oh shit, my youth! Let's ride the Batman ride next!
  14. Alito is getting more and more insufferable…. Which is saying something.
  15. You’re no Nostrildomus then. These kind of responses bug the hell out of me and fly in the face of good etiquette.
  16. The last true great melting pot is actually the throne in which this motley crew takes a #3 after 'Livin' Mas'. The primordial soup that erupts forth knows no class, knows no stature, knows not where you're from, but knows exactly where you've been. I believe the beginning of Prometheus sums it up pretty well actually in what happens to one's self after running for the border. As many cultures have realized, you can't have life without destruction. The Taco Bell drive through is a queue for the divine insofar as you're taking the cosmic dance that produced all matter in our solar system. Enjoy your encharidos knowing that the event horizon is inescapable.
  17. Of all the things to fear in this world, bugs growing in your sinuses was not one of mine….. but here we are. Add it to the list after ALS, dementia, penile cancer, mass shootings at your kids schools, being falsely convicted of a crime you didn’t commit, etc, etc….
  18. He was distracted by his apparently abundant fishing trips where he only rinsed his hands in the river?
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