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Everything posted by aggie08

  1. It's almost like decades of "lazy, entitled millennial" jokes and stereotypes so the olds could pat themselves on the back weren't particularly productive and are now being pushed onto the next generations.
  2. Maybe he means venue+catering? I got married on the cliffs of La Jolla six years ago and sure as shit didn't pay no damn $45k for the venue.
  3. Entirely, huh? You're honestly arguing that external factors don't contribute at all? That's what you want to go with?
  4. Tell me you're short without telling me you're short.
  5. On a long enough time line, everything turns into a TX vs CA thread.
  6. Jesus fucking Christ. You have to be "9 figures" to really enjoy California. Classic Johnny Sack'isms.
  7. Yeah, find me a journalist who puts in the research and stands behind his sourcing as vehemently as John Oliver. Dude literally dares billionaires to try to sue him. Now, if you want to argue how depressing it is that the show that collects Russell Crowe's jock strap and artwork of rats fucking is the closest thing to journalistic integrity that we have these days, I don't have much of a counterargument.
  8. Good. I hope they become disillusioned with elections altogether. Best case scenario for November: the stench of a loser becomes too strong and most GOP voters pretend like they never supported MAGA in the first place, and the true believers go back to their shanties, realizing that the deep state is too powerful and elections are meaningless.
  9. Cool. So, in November, when Trump gets his ass kicked...again...you'll acknowledge that you're on the wrong side of history, or nah?
  10. Lighten up, Francis. Tell us, how should people talk about Aaron Rodgers in 2024 without invoking politics? The person most responsible for making this thread CR is Aaron fucking Rodgers. Anyone clicking on an Aaron Rodgers thread today damn well knows that the discussion isn't going to be about his off-season recovery program.
  11. Holy shit, this is fun! I haven't seen a new election denier in the wild for at least a couple of years. Trump was just asking questions, as is his constitutional right! Anomalies!
  12. The trans community and people who don't identify themselves by their birth gender are dumb...that's really what you want to go with? You may not agree or understand, but dumb? That's certainly a take. On a related note, fuck off.
  13. Because you go out of your way to support a theocracy.
  14. Sandy Hook was a hoax - Won't back down or try to clarify comments, even if it costs him hundreds of millions. Imply some gay stuff - "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on, that's not what I meant!" What an alpha.
  15. Noooo! Going to be siphoning off votes from Biden left and right! Democrats were counting on the "I like Trump, but he's not extreme enough, and didn't he try to take credit for the vaccine?" vote. Kennedy/Rodgers is going to do work in the suburbs with weekly Rogan and McAfee appearances!
  16. My interest in college basketball is, admittedly, nil these days, but a 6'3" American-born white guy is #1 on a mock draft in March?? Is he making 80% of his threes or something?
  17. Nutjob conspiracy theorists who lie easier than breathing aren't taking votes away from Democrats.
  18. She's a vapid, closet celebrity-obsessed narcissistic like the rest of them. She's loving the attention and whatever tiny chance that she had of being embarrassed by the ridicule went out the window when she saw ScarJo playing her, reenforcing in her mind that she's a 10.
  19. Russell Wilson and Mike Tomlin, huh? That's a lot of offensive mediocrity (I'm being kind) colliding in a single location.
  20. We won't even get that much. These people literally aren't allowed to apologize for anything, ever. To MAGA, nothing shows more weakness than capitulating to "them" and admitting fault, even when you're clearly lying.
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