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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by hornmpa96

  1. Wow - It’s hard to imagine there are 4 hitters worse than Maldonado.
  2. Of course Maldonado is going to bat here.
  3. Backup Quarterbacks will be the Edwin Jackson and Octavio Dotel of this game.
  4. Dumbass Big Government Greg wastes $45 Billion of Texas taxpayer money as noted by the socialist rag, the Wall St Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/texas-billion-dollar-border-security-migration-isn-t-paying-off-16ed598d?st=rxpshm0dos7qskt&reflink=article_email_share
  5. The issue with Eric is that it required states that joined to engage in certain voter registration efforts designed to increase turnout. Rs certainly don’t want to increase turnout so they will take increased voter fraud.
  6. Has anyone had an issue with turning off closed captioning for the Max App? I have no idea how, but I can’t get rid of the captions in the Max App. I don’t have this issue with any other app.
  7. I think a couple of y’all need to get back on your meds. Also - fuck those two dipshits for trying to run interference for our criminal AG.
  8. Yes - I definitely have multiple grids where I’ve used some combo you those 3 relievers.
  9. I was really struggling to come up with As for the middle column this morning.
  10. One other benefit of the 529 account - Beginning in 2024, up to $35k in a 529 can be converted into a Roth IRA for the beneficiary which reduces some of the Rick that the $ aren’t ultimately used for college.
  11. Yes - Tax Basis will be split between the old shares and the new shares based on the relative values on the day of the spin-off.
  12. I would make that trade every time. The Big Unit made the Astros the best team in baseball that year who unfortunately ran into Kevin Brown. If a team is in its window to win and the trade significantly improves your opportunity to win it all, then do it. Its the same reason I would be aggressive in trying to rent Shohei for the rest of this year. Flags Fly Forever!
  13. 10% of the players have to be Astros fans as Josh Fields is coming in hot at 9% today. I have to admit that using that answer made me smile.
  14. No - The Senate should change the rules that allows one moron Senator from a piss-any state without a pot to piss in from shutting down promotions important to military readiness. The Senate’s entire rule book needs a reset.
  15. I think I’ve been able to use Clemens and Steve Carlton in about 25% of the grids.
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