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Samson's Wig

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Everything posted by Samson's Wig

  1. Has anyone seen numbers on how many kids bailed from AISD last year? Just anecdotally from the parents I know that either moved or went private I would think it has to be significant. Between the shitshow of last year, the PTA defunding middle finger to parents who have been keeping AISD schools functioning and afloat for a decade, and, let's not forget, the heavy push for bussing that damn near happened and will undoubtedly come up again soon, it's hard to imagine there will be much of an AISD left if they also fuck up this fall. EDIT: I forgot to add to the list how dangerously close AISD was to having the State take over the district before Covid hit. One more failing grade for one of the middle schools and the State could move in. I assume they got a pass for last year, and I have no idea if the count restarts this year or if a failing grade this year will result in the option for takeover. What a mess.
  2. That's what I thought caused that look as well, but apparently it's the alopecia. Also, I'm an idiot. I meant 5" diameter circles, not circumference.
  3. I've got a beautiful thick head of hair on my head, but a year ago developed a ~5" circumference bald spot on the tops of both thighs. I thought maybe my pants were rubbing and I needed to drop a few, but doctor said it was alopecia and very common in men in their 40s/50s. More common on the calves. Then he told me I should still lose a few pounds anyway.
  4. I'm thinking we build a big ass wall around Utah and move all the antivax folks in there to fend for themselves. I know Utah is pretty and we'll kind of miss it, but they'll all be dead in a year or two and then we can go off roading there again. Might as well give 'em something pretty to look at while the measles get to work.
  5. Fertility rates among educated women are rising in the U.S. We'll be all right.
  6. Frank Luntz has been brought in to develop talking points that will resonate with the largest group of holdouts - evangelical conservatives. I don't know who they need to speak to the granola eaters, Deepak Chopra? The relatively small gap between Hispanics/blacks and whites can be attributed as much to access as anything else. Regardless of race, or whether or not someone is into yoga and natural healing, the common thread amongst the unvaccinated is largely a lack of education, which is the common thread for many large scale health related issues. This brings me back to my original plan - gang tackling and forced vaccinations.
  7. Not yet. The point is that the longer this shit floats around the more likely new variants emerge. The right shift in makeup and the vaccinations become a complete waste of money and effort. And we'll all end up right back where we were a year ago.
  8. This is no longer the case, although it was early on. The last two or three months have almost completely closed any gap in vaccination rate based on race or ethnicity (I'm going to assume you were speaking about Latinos/Hispanics and not Mexican nationals). The holdouts now appear to be die hard Trumpers, evangelicals, and the new age yoga crowd. These three groups include members of all races/ethnicities.
  9. That's why they need to be tackled and force fed vaccines. They're too stupid to function on their own and will take the rest of us down with them.
  10. I'm at the point where I'm willing to sign up to gang tackle any morons refusing vaccination and hold them down while someone administers the shot. Fuck those morons. As a large number of them are apparently evangelicals and antigovernment conspiracy nuts, they can use the experience to feed their victimhood complex. The granola eating yoga instructors that apparently make up the rest of the antivax crowd can simply go cry in their leotards afterwards or maybe burn some sage to cleanse their unclean blood. The win here is two-fold. We'll stop further spread and mutation of this virus, and maybe, maybe, these yahoos will realize vaccinations won't kill you after they've been force fed a couple of doses.
  11. Baptist coverup magic. I have no idea how they do it, but I'll bet it's underhanded and disgusting.
  12. If you're not over 200 when combined with a piece of luggage you either travel very lightly or are one small mother fucker.
  13. I'm amazed at how well the Baptists have managed to keep a lid on their scandal. The information is out there now, but it seems like no one knows about it (or perhaps in Texas their prevalence is still large enough that everyone is just pretending like it hasn't come to light). BSA and the RCC everyone is aware of. Baptist Church absolutely belongs in any discussion of the holy trinity of sexual abuse with the other two.
  14. I read that thread this morning. Well, I read half of it before the typical Nextdoor dumbassery broke me down and I had to stop. My favorite may have been the guy was offended that someone used the word "game". "This is not a game, people." smdh Obviously, whoever did this is a sick fuck. But so are the deer lovers who feed the fucking things in a city. Lyme disease gives them a big "Thank you!"
  15. I give this satire a B+. I like it. Needs a bit more over-the-top oomph to get to a solid A.
  16. Don't get me wrong, Squish should return them on principal, but AISD is too busy trying to make certain all campuses are failing equally to give two shits about something silly like conserving resources for a school district with no money.
  17. I think this is likely more a matter of TCU finding the absolute lowest bar possible to demonstrate solidarity with the squishy feeling of college kids than it is a case of anyone actually being offended. And given the gender makeup of the school it may be a smart PR move. When I think of the typical TCU student, however, feminist is not exactly what comes to mind.
  18. Isn't TCU largely made up of female students? I've always thought of it as a women's school, in any event. This tracks.
  19. Order somewhat regularly and tip well, and somehow, magically, the food arrives quickly and hot 99% of the time. Like everything else in life, money solves your problem.
  20. I'd be just fine with banning this shit altogether. It's fucking up most decent places to live.
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