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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by wildcat09

  1. Joe Lieberman has always been a conservative and should be pelted with rotten produce any time he steps out into public.
  2. The thing about Poe is that yes, he's definitely a troll, but he's also profoundly stupid.
  3. Combat Shrimp would make a great minor league baseball team name.
  4. There goes Poe proving that you can't even lead the horse to water.
  5. You know how the song Stan ends, right?
  6. Well this is suspicious... Tim Ballard Has 'Stepped Away' From Operation Underground Railroad, Org Says:
  7. About that Colombia "sting": The man is a media whore, he doesn't give a shit about saving children. If anything, he makes the problem worse by throwing tons of money around in impoverished areas, encouraging assholes to kidnap kids to sell to his group.
  8. I have a great deal for you on oceanfront property in Arizona. Another guy has already offered me $10 million for it though, so I need to know in the next 10 minutes if you're going to beat his offer.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if there was someone like Epstein that liked to connect rich friends with girls who are 14-17 or so. Hell, we know Matt Gaetz and his friends like to party with barely legal (and maybe underage) girls. And shit like that used to be very common in Hollywood and in the rock scene, among others. That kind of shit was and is awful, but it's also very different from the types of conspiracy theories QAnon peddles. If anything, the QAnon type theories of sex trafficking distract from and make it harder to prevent real sexual abuse and trafficking.
  10. Also, for actual facts about OUR, Vice has done some good reporting on them, with this being the latest. A small sample: These people are blatant frauds who may have accidentally done some good a few times, basically.
  11. The Q-Anon Anonymous episode on Jim Caviezel is one of the most hilarious and batshit crazy things you will ever hear in your life.
  12. He's not doing it for petty grievances, he's doing it so Trump can appoint more officers who they think will help him carry out a coup to remain in office beyond 2028.
  13. I think a simpler explanation is that he’s just lying. You know, that thing he does all the time.
  14. I like how it's just so expected from him that Icono just openly admitting that he still tries to find whores but it's no longer an enjoyable hobby barely even raises eyebrows.
  15. Yeah, there's actually a shitload of grown men who do. They've just learned they have to hide it in most social contexts.
  16. Pretty much any service could be argued to have an expressive element to it.
  17. You’re getting too tied up in the legal weeds. If it was actually immaterial, they wouldn’t have lied in sworn statements to courts. The purpose of the lie isn’t to meet a legal element of the claim. It’s rhetorical. It’s to give the right wing legal movement, and the justices themselves, “facts” that they can bolster the persuasiveness of their arguments with. A boring deck action doesn’t have the same public impact as “heathen f**s tried to force this good Christian woman to endorse their sinner lifestyle! Radical left embraces satan once again!” The Republican justices have a symbiotic relationship with the right wing legal movement that brings bullshit like this. The lie helps them justify a decision like this to the public and entertaining it rewards the activists for bringing the types of cases they want them to bring. We know how loose they’ve been willing to be with the facts in cases in the past, but why wouldn’t they knowingly entertain wholesale fabrications? Even Roberts is happy to blatantly twist the facts when it’s clear that he’s doing so. If they think the public won’t find out certain claims fundamental to the public presentation of a case are complete bullshit, there’s no reason at all to think they wouldn’t be happy to go along. I’d bet even a pretty cursory investigation of other cases brought by the ADF and similar groups would reveal similar fabrications.
  18. You can bet the right will use this to go after protections for other protected classes too. They’re already talking about it:
  19. I think she's actually not doing either because she fucking lied about the entire basis of her case.
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