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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by C-Man

  1. Translation: Apple is giving me an obscene amount of money to continue the series.
  2. The French “artist” is quoted in the story saying it’s purposely been done this way to replicate a poorly drawn meme (or something like that. Probably because Elon’s meme game is strong.
  3. Giant Elon Musk bust spotted around Brownsville will be officially unveiled The statue will be part of an "ElonDay" event meant to celebrate art, technology and culture. https://www.chron.com/culture/article/elon-musk-bust-texas-19718808.php
  4. I was flipping channels late last night and ran across the last 15-20 mins with Carville and Dan Crenshaw. I thought Crenshaw was slightly less psycho than the MAGAts but he was a complete shithead on Maher this week.
  5. I know a whole chunk of the true believers are completely gone and not coming back. I’m talking about the reasonable people in my orbit, who are about to vote for Trump for a third time. People who don’t believe that Trump will do any of the things that we’re warning them about. He might not, at least not directly. But the ghouls in his orbit most certainly would.
  6. There have been times when I’ve gotten frustrated in the last year and basically said, “go ahead and elect that son of a bitch again” just to see all the nightmare scenarios become reality. For many Americans, it will come as a shock. Then I’d sit back and I’d laugh and I’d say, “See, we told ya so.”
  7. Say what you will about 538 but this was an interesting graphic: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2024-election-forecast/#path-to-270
  8. What makes this shot even more incredible is that she was fidgeting around with her sister like crazy during great auntie's speech. Extra props to Kamala for not getting distracted.
  9. I bought a sheet full of these stickers back in 2020. I wouldn't mind an updated version, though I was more voting AGAINST Trump than FOR Harris in that one. I had no idea Biden would be as good as he's been. This go-round, I'm fucking EXCITED to vote FOR Harris/Walz and not just AGAINST the orange fuckstick. Well, these would be pretty nice!
  10. Hot/Not Beto is my guy. Texas doesn't deserve him at this time. I hope that one day this state will some day get to a point where we can send him to DC as a US senator.
  11. This just popped up on my Apple News feed
  12. Dammit. I didn’t realize I was behind on my DVR
  13. Not to mention the only thing Biden can really do is completely cut Israel's funding entirely -- 75 days out from the most important election in this country's history. It would be political suicide.
  14. I'm stunned, I'm pissed ... ... it's Christina Aguilera
  15. A friend of mine who worked for a Dem congresswoman from the St Louis area up until a year or so ago just texted our Fuck Trump groupchat that "supposedly, Taylor's PJ has landed in Chicago"
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