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Lerka Lerka

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Everything posted by Lerka Lerka

  1. Pretty good read on Lee Fedora. The more connections to Texas high school coaches on our staff, the better: http://texashsfootball.com/lee-fedora-back-where-began-am-consolidated/
  2. Bro, tap the brakes with the Duval comparison.
  3. Somebody call the wambulance.... jfc that was a pathetic opinion piece by Sharp. I guess I shouldn't be surprised but just fucking pathetic.
  4. I have a hard time believing somebody really brought the fuckings buckets back?
  5. These last few pages are cringey. Make it stop.
  6. PSA: West coast late-night 9:00 pm tip vs Kings. Spurs -1.5, 229.5 o/u
  7. aggy didn't misfire, he just ran out of trigger pulls.
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