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Lerka Lerka

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Everything posted by Lerka Lerka

  1. Not performing squats at all when yo have wrecked shoulders and a herniated disc is also an option.
  2. We hunted one season on a piece of the 700 springs ranch just south of Telegraph. Nice country and lots of game for sure. /csb
  3. Do you by chance work with CooterBrown?
  4. Yes, guy I know from Corpus warned me about this as well. His solution was to leave nothing of value in the vehicle and leave it unlocked so at least they don't break out a window.
  5. I've done well parking at Wilson's Cut, 15 or so minute walk and wade in.
  6. Bet that would make Bevoette and Jade lol.
  7. Or like Rick Barnes at Texas?
  8. But have you seen the NFL draft results, you stupid sip?
  9. Jazz Janewattananond? I keep up with golf more than the average fan and I've never heard of this guy.
  10. When hypothetical ideal scenarios become serious business, you know you've hit peak off season.
  11. Is spanking it to a weather system abnormal?
  12. Maybe I should have also included a diagram. Some people are visual learners.
  13. Can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.
  14. Pipe? Looks like machete to me.
  15. TxDoT is stocked full with Aggy so you have the traffic trifecta in play here - stupid people making bad designs driven by stupid people.
  16. Was this by chance during Spring Brake?
  17. Posted for jimmyjazz but also good info to know about separated roadways (common knowledge you would think but based on what I see some mornings, not so common): Sec. 545.066. PASSING A SCHOOL BUS; OFFENSE. (a) An operator on a highway, when approaching from either direction a school bus stopped on the highway to receive or discharge a student: (1) shall stop before reaching the school bus when the bus is operating a visual signal as required by Section 547.701; and (2) may not proceed until: (A) the school bus resumes motion; (B) the operator is signaled by the bus driver to proceed; or (C) the visual signal is no longer actuated. (b) An operator on a highway having separate roadways is not required to stop: (1) for a school bus that is on a different roadway; or (2) if on a controlled-access highway, for a school bus that is stopped: (A) in a loading zone that is a part of or adjacent to the highway; and (B) where pedestrians are not permitted to cross the roadway. (c) An offense under this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $500 or more than $1,250, except that the offense is: (1) a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $1,000 or more than $2,000 if the person is convicted of a second or subsequent offense under this section committed within five years of the date on which the most recent preceding offense was committed; (2) a Class A misdemeanor if the person causes serious bodily injury to another; or (3) a state jail felony if the person has been previously convicted under Subdivision (2). (d) The court may order that the driver's license of a person convicted of a second or subsequent offense under this section be suspended for not longer than six months beginning on the date of conviction. In this subsection, "driver's license" has the meaning assigned by Chapter 521. (e) If a person does not pay the previously assessed fine or costs on a conviction under this section, or is determined by the court to have insufficient resources or income to pay a fine or costs on a conviction under this section, the court may order the person to perform community service. The court shall set the number of hours of service under this subsection. (f) For the purposes of this section: (1) a highway is considered to have separate roadways only if the highway has roadways separated by an intervening space on which operation of vehicles is not permitted, a physical barrier, or a clearly indicated dividing section constructed to impede vehicular traffic; and (2) a highway is not considered to have separate roadways if the highway has roadways separated only by a left turn lane.
  18. Kudos to the bus driver in video above but why would she stop and let kids out in that manner? Wouldn't you stop and let kids off along a curb line / edge of the street? Only thing I can think of is the driver is an extreme asshole by not only failing to stop for a school bus unloading but also passing on the right in a shoulder or bike lane? If that's the case, I'm ok with revoking that idiot's driving privileges for life.... or just executing them on the spot.
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