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Lerka Lerka

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Everything posted by Lerka Lerka

  1. Got damn, those two posts will make you feel old.
  2. Good stuff. Tho I'd say my favorite vid in this thread is you avatar. I watch it at least 3x every time I see one of your posts. Left titty jiggle FTW.
  3. Can't wait to see that footage! /Subliminal Horn
  4. What? Their Playoff Predictor is shit.
  5. Never seen a black hole until today and now I see two? Crazy world.
  6. And hopefully this strong running game talk continues, avoid injuries and Sam doesn't need to have near as many rushing attempts this season. Got to keep him healthy.
  7. Attended the one in Austin many times. Went to a couple of random other ones as well.
  8. Excellent lure, have had a ton of success with these. Pretty much my go to top water bait. Just change out the hooks....
  9. Iron clad? Do you even lawyer, bro? Insurance Company: We received your claim Mr. Jefferson. We think it is total bullshit and you probably do as well. However, we'd be willing to settle for X amount if you sign this release and settlement agreement. Malik: Where do I sign? Profit.
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