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Everything posted by rage-a-holic

  1. I haven't seen the bike yet, the owner is a truck driver and is only around the weekends. And from looking at some older GT pics online, it's a either a repainted GT knockoff or a repainted GT Aggressor.
  2. Yeah, that's what made me think it was relatively new. The problem here in Mexico is that many thieves repaint a cheap stolen bike with new paint/stickers/decals from high end brand names. It looks like a Specialized Hardrock, except for the frame.
  3. That article admits you need a Kill A Watt or similar device to determine if something is actually a vampire power offender. $20 on amazon for the wife and spend a romantic evening together checking everything in the house with it. I use one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Electricity-Monitor-Voltage-Overload-Protection/dp/B07DPJ3RGB/ref=pd_lpo_3?pd_rd_i=B07DPJ3RGB&psc=1
  4. Anyone familiar with this Specialized model? The owner doesn't know anything about it, might be a good deal. We're trying to replace the ones we had stolen last month.
  5. You sound like a tapafag. DarkMode4Life
  6. ok? That's a different proposal than your original one, which was "no plate, no sale".
  7. So your assumption is that a private seller will, out of civic responsibility, refuse to make a cash sale to a buyer who didn't bring his own plates with him? Can't think of any holes there.
  8. Huh? It's also clearly demarcated where you responded to the last 3 paragraph post about Monterrey with "Excellent post" So wild idea, next time, if you don't agree with all the stuff in a post and don't want to get called out on it, don't respond to it with "Excellent post". Just a thought.
  9. Well, no. You quoted and responded to a 3 paragraph post pimping all of Monterreys' virtues with "Excellent post" I responded to that. Zero rocket surgery involved to figure out.
  10. I give zero shits if someone wants to like or love Monterrey. A girl here asked about safety there and I responded with my experience. I love Austin, but I'd have the same kind of response to questions about moving there and anyone claiming that Austin has great weather, ideal allergy conditions, competent city government and very few california fuckheads ruining everything.
  11. I stayed there last summer, dipshit. I didn't fucking need FB to alert me about the weather, prices, crowds, pollution and traffic. And when 3 different uber drivers warn me about crime there, I'll go ahead and take their word for it. Didn't need a heads up from FB on that one either.
  12. Go read the last page. He was quoting two other posts that were downplaying the weather/crime and pimping all the great things about living in Monterrey.
  13. I post on a large Mexico ex-pats FB group, and whenever Monterrey is mentioned as a retirement spot, the issues immediately brought up are: high pollution a traffic nightmare very hot summers most expensive city in Mexico rising crime rates and cartel activity Not sure what your bro living in Saltillo has to do with anything, but there are plenty of legitimate concerns for anyone considering moving to Monterrey. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1053886741400839
  14. I have an older eBags travel backpack I've taken all over the world. The new design looks pretty cool too. https://www.ebags.com/backpacks/travel-backpacks/pro-slim-weekender/117783XXXX.html?dwvar_117783XXXX_color=Black&cgidmaster=carry-on-luggage
  15. lol, Lana Lang and Aquaman together again in episode 1
  16. Right. You just forgot that you've been arguing about this exact topic on multiple threads here and on shaggy for 10 years.
  17. chomp chomp chomp WhatsApp Video 2022-02-03 at 1.42.40 PM.mp4
  18. Bugged the shit out of me. Constantly meanders between a spoof and a serious drama. My girlfriend doesn't understand US spoof comedies and thinks the whole series was just a dark drama.
  19. You think the rules are gonna be much different in 8 weeks?
  20. Anyone have a good resource for current EU restrictions/requirements? May be heading to various EU spots in April. Do I just waive around my flimsy, stained paper CDC record?
  21. Would you just drop some fucking cookie crumbs already?
  22. Yeah, I don't understand why anyone thought that was a good idea. She is terrible . In everything. Zero acting or comedic talent.
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