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Victor Lazlo

Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Victor Lazlo

  1. Wow. Not a damn thing one can do to defend against that.
  2. Charlie Robison - “Loving County”
  3. Penelope, it is very unlikely that you will test positive for that long. If I’m reading it correctly, you’ve only had it for a handful of days. You likely won’t test positive a week from now. It doesn’t disappear in 4 days. I caught it in February, before being eligible to be vaccinated, and tested negative approximately 10 days after the positive test. I’m not sure I would cancel just yet, unless you just don’t want to deal with the uncertainty of what is going to happen in Europe.
  4. From Channel 4 in New York, seems like good news to me: “But once again, city hospitalization numbers remain low. At the height of the pandemic, on average there were 1,600 patients being treated at city hospitals for COVID. In Dec. 2020, there were just 243; as of Monday, NYC hospitalizations were at just 43 — a 97 percent decrease from the pandemic peak. "The omicron symptoms have been very mild. The impact on those vaccinated has been clinically mild. It's not converting to admissions to the hospital, or deaths," said Dr. Yves Derouseu, Emergency Services Director at Lenox Hill Hospital.” https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/this-is-a-whole-new-animal-breakthrough-infections-rattle-nyc-amid-omicron-surge/3456543/
  5. With this news, I think it is time to break this out again…
  6. Kerri Strugg is a guy? Damn, my worldview must be all fucked up.
  7. God damn, is that CFS, Jodie Arias, or Casey Anthony? Give us some context, man.
  8. Bunch of thirsty fuckers up in here, and it looks like Nicole is trying to slake that thirst. Give it a couple of hours, boys. The glory that was the Urban night crew thread may manifest itself again.
  9. And I would counter that my chicken fried quail legs are better than your fried chicken. Checkmate.
  10. 2nd Texas Cares results had my S antibodies rising from 347 to 376. I don’t know how that would happen, but I guess there is a lot we don’t understand about this virus. I’ve not been vaccinated or boosted, as I’ve stated before, but had a relatively mild case in February. My N antibody number (which indicates I had Covid previously) dropped from 184 to 144. That number seems to still be on the high end of people with previous Covid infections at the 300 day mark, based on my reading of the literature that the Texas Cares Survey sent to me. That was based on women in my age group - I’m not a woman, but they didn’t publish male stats for some reason. . As far as I can ascertain, researchers still don’t know what those numbers mean as far as what level of protection one would have with a particular number.
  11. Jesus, Derka, you would find a goose that shit golden eggs and then complain that you couldn’t eat them. I thought they did pretty good, compared to previous years. We haven’t exactly had Duke-like success here, with the last few years of Shaka ball. It will probably take a modicum of long term winning to get to the level of craziness that you are expecting from the students.
  12. Cracked me up when John said “You’re not talking to Ricky and the Red Streaks, you know?”
  13. That was an incredible riff by Beard about the games during the breaks. That’s what leadership looks like.
  14. Exactly like Herman last year against the fucking dirt burglars. They are sucking wind, you fucking end it in regulation. Have some balls, like the Kansas coach showed he had. Fuck
  15. “It’s the economy, stupid”. - James Carville
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