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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. straight shooter with upper mgmt becoming a cop written all over him he was likely waiting on the dog to attack him; does not necessarily make it a bad shoot.
  2. @Nice Guy Eddie nice pull! i don't know how the whole TS thing works, but it is like opening a pack of baseball cards? I had a moment of brilliance. some random p2e game that was emulating the Wolf Game. bought in at .15 and did not really want to mess with the game as a lot of other copycats had failed big time. So when the floor started ramping up prior to the game launching i exited at 1.2e and then forgot about it. Looked a week later and these things peaked at 9e! doh! I always tell my self to buy 2-3 of each project so you can take profit and still hold it if looks good, but i seldom do it.
  3. This is all you need to know for crypto. it's really this simple. so just figure out what BTC is going to do and you can't go wrong.
  4. it's not about equal access to the land. it was giving all descendants equal say in how things would be run. due to disparity in amount of grandkids, one side would then have more say/power in how it was run when the kids died. or at least that is what i got out of the story.
  5. good discussion. you say it doesn't do anything but then several "but sure"s idgaf either way and don't generally try to sway people one way or another. There is no game changing benefit as of now. nfts/crypto is a way to speculate on the value of something and try to make some $ while getting to see how it evolves real time. Also picking up some very interesting and fun projects along the way. at least in nfts it seems like the game changes every 3-4 weeks. I initially underestimated (frankly did not understand) the social/tribal aspect of using a marquee nft as an avatar because i was not invested in an online presence. a lot of people pay 6 or 7 figures for an nft avatar because it can give them a measure of online credibility and juice their 'follower' numbers just by possessing it. Interesting phenomenon to be sure now that celebs are jumping on board. i did not have jimmy fallon interviewing paris hilton to talk about their nft purchases on late night TV on my Bingo Card, but here we are. I tend to agree about the getting in early hype speech. i have seen so many people try to compare this moment to few months after Al Gore invented the internet as how 'early' we are in crypto. maybe we are early, but shit is moving 1000x faster than back then. Not sure i get the smart contract gas price comment. I mean, at the heart of it it's worth what someone will pay. one of my wallets shows that ive spent ~9eth on gas, so yeah, it sucks, but it was worth it for me. Even L2 chains can get bogged down with heavy use, but projects on those are pretty much free from gas so there are alternatives.
  6. it basically just whales getting greedy. they will push it back up again and more fomo will be created to produce buyers at the top. i would not put anything you ever need to live/retire into crypto but it's worth speculating into, imo. just take profit when it's there, lol. I am like 95% in cash but will get back in for the ride up. i don't know about that. i'll just say that the blockchain allows for different structures than what was available. legal or not, web3 allows for instant VC money to pour into a project and record who owns what. yes, some of projects are animal cartoon jpgs or outright fraudulent money grabs, but others are funding some interesting ideas (gaming, fashion, gambling, defi, art, music) that might not ever see the light of day. But at the end of the day, it's mostly another speculative market that people are playing to try and make more money.
  7. yeah, with only 13 seconds left AND 3 TOs, the D should not give a shit about keeping the WRs from the sidelines and just line up over them like normal and then start backing up prior to the snap. Wasting 2 players guarding the sidelines was stupid in that situation. Maybe if KC had no TO, I could see it, but with 3, there was no point. The clock is stopping after every play so if they want to throw a 10 yard out to the sidelines to save a TO it's still 4 seconds off the clock and only 10 yards. earlier in the game KC had run a similar formation and used Hill as decoy as he stopped underneath and they hit the receiver at the next level as the defenders reacted to Hill so maybe they were more scared of the deep ball, but Hill with the ball in space is about the scariest thing a Defense can encounter. Hell of a game to watch. was kinda rooting for the Bills to move on.
  8. yeah, i'm still waiting it out. buying the dip is cool and all, but not sure we ready to pamp yet. whales are merciless and probably a pump to clear out some shorts. geez, a single account just sold ~60eth of Looks right when it got up to $4. but it's been holding out pretty well tbh.
  9. took about 5-6 days to be back to 100%, but everything was mild even at that. cough on last Mon. thought i had sinus inf and home tested + on Tuesday. Wed and Thursday had the covid fog and still stuffy nose. Friday fog was gone and cough was gone. Sat/Sun felt pretty good and tested negative on Sunday.
  10. how long before that is in the Xgames or possibly the winter olympics if they use a snowmobile?
  11. yikes. i closed my Luna position around lunch and sitting 100% in fiat for now. RIP all my NFT eth fun money though. Still have degen defi plays working as well.
  12. for my CB account have ~10% in Luna and rest in cash at this point. not sure this is the bottom.
  13. probably just reaction to the booster. i had similar to my 2nd shot. was a little achy for a night then back to normal
  14. home tested + last night. really thought i had it a week prior (wife was + 1st week of Jan) but I tested negative 2 times then. Thought for sure i had a sinus inf. but wanted to test for covid before wasting a doctor's time. boom...postive for covid. Today the brain fog is killing me. trying to work on a computer and do math is really challenging. it's almost making me dizzy. crazy feeling was 2x moderna and had the boost on Jan 3rd.
  15. the LP is to collect a % of the fees between LOOKS and WETH when people buy and sell. you would need to pair your LOOKS with WETH and then add that to the pool. I am just straight staking. i had not seen that. crazy!
  16. i am staking in a couple of pools tied to p2e nft games. it sounds ludicrous, right? https://econ.cryptoraiders.xyz/staking This one i have been in since it started in August and it has been fantastic. A huge run up and down recently provided a couple of weeks or so at 600+% returns. It's been around 200% for most of the 6 months. But here's the deal. you get back your returns in the native token/coin. So at some point to realize any of the gains, you have to sell back in to USD. https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/crypto-raiders here's the chart; look at the 90 day. so you can see it went ballistic recently and then settled back down. So profit is more determined on when you sell the coin you have been earning. Just started in another another one so will see how it goes. But yeah, this is not a 'set and forget' type deal. could go sideways anytime.
  17. two words: bulk trash the 'jawas' as referred to above will roll up in their sandcrawler and pick through all the stuff they want. the rest is picked up as trash and it's no longer your problem.
  18. https://www.androidauthority.com/fast-charging-explained-2-889780/ pretty detailed article on charging in general.
  19. 100%. the W's can be huge and dwarf the losses on several L's so take your shots but be prepared for your investment to go to zero. wasn't trying to pick on anyone that got into OHM, just the most recent one I could think of.
  20. being early/lucky beats being smart in the short term. i have found 'traditional' buying/selling of crypto very tough to make decent money on. better to be early on some high yielding defi pools than chase and speculate on what the BTC whales are going to do. But the music stops eventually. ask anyone who bought OHM at the top I never got into this but certainly considered it as lots of people i follow around for defi information were touting its ability to print money as a 'stable' defi option. i was late and dumb to crypto in 2018 when I bought eth at the top at $1500 only to see it plummet. but it looked brilliant when i just stuck my head in the sand for 3 years and lo and behold it cruises to $4k. I then bought more at the top to get into nfts and the like, but at least knew that volatile investments were volatile at that point and it just came with the territory. The guy with the lambo most likely is not some brilliant crypto market savant, but rather made a extremely unwise gamble and got lucky it 100x'd. it happens. if he is still making ridiculous returns right now, please forward his newsletter, as i would like to subscribe.
  21. Nice pulls! yeah, now that you know you can recruit again in 28 days, it's sort of a game theory deal. Will the game grow by 50%/100% again? will people just want to add and hold to their stable or will they dump Gen5s on the market? The chance to recruit a rare from a rare is like 90% i think? so if you hold and recruit again, you could double your rares in the next go around vs selling ahead of market saturation. Selling the cow vs selling the milk lol. But the price for the cow is verrrry tempting right now. i might list a cyborg just to see. cyborg and skellies are ~.44 or so. I am up to ~130 chars and not sure i will try and double up next time. at say 3000 aurum per char for recruiting costs and $.04 per aurum, that $15K to recruit another 130 Gen5s. at a .05eth floor, that's ~$21K (eth at $3200). reasonable return but still a hefty proposition. hopefully aurum goes back down to $.03 or so. Then the math works a lot better. There are 37,000 CR char nfts owned by players and only 850 up for sale. That's frankly astounding.
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