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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by gyroprotagonist

  1. pre-crime division I blame the doctors. They should stop doing sonograms because the general public clearly cannot fucking handle it.
  2. it works on duck duck go! it has to be real. OP is probably AMAZED when 2 of 7billion people on the planet have the same birthday. what are the odds?
  3. yeah, this is kinda where i am coming from. We bail out stupid corps all the time. People sorta grumble about it, but no one really bats an eye; there are no cries of 'poor life choices' . But you start bailing out individuals and a lot of people start losing their shit. I get the sentiment of 'fuck around and find out' but my point is the consumer should be somewhat protected. Not made whole, not given the same fixed rate pricing, but also not $9/KWh. I have seen where some providers are offering ~10y financing on the bill. That's $50 a month on a $6K bill. Sucks for them, but it's not crippling debt which should be the goal. Keep people financially stable as possible. It does no good to cause people to not make rent/mortgage because of this. If Texas decides to try and 'fix' this, consumers are going to pay more and cover the cost. Pay generators to be on standby (for real this time) in the winter and operate for a few months in the summer.
  4. my main filter line cracked, but the water fall/fountain pump kept going so the pool did not freeze. Power or something stopped the pumps for about 3-4 hours and that's all it took. have not opened up the filter yet, but it seems ok. damage is in the in-line chlorinator and one section of pipe around a check valve. if I had to do it again, i would just drain and cover the pipes and throw in pool floats and stuff to try and keep the surface from freezing.
  5. i think the $17k bill was 3 properties/meters combined. at least i saw a story in Dallas about a guy in that scenario and it was not just on 1 property. Claimed he tried to switch but could not in time. Dunno what the right answer is here. No one should be stuck with that kind of bill, but none of the fixed rate consumers enjoyed low rates when energy was cheap. Probably the variable rate bills should be recalculated at a max rate capped at something equivalent to $100/day. Who, ultimately is left holding the bag if relief is given to consumers in the form of bill forgiveness? The energy providers who bought at the high prices and passed it on?
  6. we should do away with having fellow americans represent us. instead we all get to vote for 1 thing we want to happen with the government. The top 50 choices get written out on a chicken-shit bingo card and once a month we let full-bellied hen go to town and then implement that square. you could still have fights over redistricting of squares and what not, but I can't take the partisan-hack moronic braying of these people who somehow find their way into office.
  7. you like them 3 super bowls? how bout high priced natural gas? https://www.si.com/nfl/2021/02/19/jerry-jones-gas-company-jacks-prices-during-texas-power-crisis
  8. they seem to work OK. but there are some comments in the amazon page that said they still were setting off CO sensors. i would definitely limit usages inside and have a sensor nearby.
  9. they make conversion kits for gens to run tri-fuel. might depend on your model, but as posted earlier in the thread, i have a honda that will run LP or gas. would run NG too, but i would need to get a different regulator. just google gen tent and that should set you up. make sure to stake it down. maybe a marine battery setup would work for a short term solution? not super familiar with those, but have seen buddies use them for tailgating to run tvs and small appliances.
  10. yeah it's slow AF for me right now. only website that seems slow. I always run w/ no avatar, fwiw. Gateway timeout when trying to submit a post. hopefully this one goes through
  11. team drip for 3/4 faucets outside. 1 i got to it too late and it was already frozen. Just covered it after that. It finally thawed out last night about midnight and started running. I kept checking the water meter and no sign of a leak, so i think i am ok with that one. It would have likely required a jackhammer to get to the pipe as it's coming from a concrete slab that makes up part of the front porch before going back under the house into the crawl space. Even dripping, one of the faucets froze up, but was able to use a heat gun and some hot water to get it going again the next day. This one is on the outside wall of an unheated mudroom in the backyard, so not much help even with power/heat going. I am getting some of those Freeze Miser inserts to put in there for next time we get frosty as wrapping might not work for that one. It also never gets sun and is shaded 24/7.
  12. if anyone wants to check it out. here is where i got the LP conversion kit for my Honda genny. https://www.hutchmountain.com/ their customer service is legit.
  13. i have a Honda 2000 genny that I converted to run on LP for that very reason; to not have to worry about the gas going bad and keeping extra gas (and rotating that in and out). bought a kit online and it was fairly simple to do. I got a 100lb LP tank that I can hook up to it to run for longer spells. I normally break it out every 3 months or so and fire it up and check the oil. Need to put a gauge on the tank next time i fill it though. it's hard to lift and shake to get an idea of what's left. biggest 'to-do' for us would be to try and insulate our 100 yo house much much better. After turning off the gas fire place overnight, the bottom floor dropped to 47F with power on the morning it got down to -2F. Those freeze miser spigot things are cool. may try those as I was team drip. I got one of those huge Lithium batteries ~5years ago. Those are great for keeping phones, tablets and even running a lamp, laptop, speaker for hours. amazon no longer has the page, but it looks like this about the size of a six pack of cans. keep some of those shark bite pipe fittings on hand also some spare parts for the gas fireplace. not sure what it is called, but the flared aluminum pipe that carries gas from the outlet to the manifold broke the first night. I dug through the garage and found the old setup from a previous house that we saved. Did not have a torch so used our gas stove to heat up and bend the pipe to fit. so maybe throw in a little propane torch for good measure. that would be good for thawing pipes as well.
  14. can we get a Mr. Fusion already? Fuck. I am on team long term and just find the cheapest 36 mo plan and lock in.
  15. no dog in the hunt, but HP not having any outages was trending last night on twitter based on that screen cap. I don't know if the pic was fake or not. that web site is supposed to be a snap shot of what is going on real-ish time. When i looked at one point yesterday, my hood had no outages and then 30 minutes later they were showing again. Same thing for HP. I did see a point in time where there were no outages showing. So it was probably possible to take a legit screen shot of that happening.
  16. contact tracing? Also, didn't the league amp up their C19 protocols vs what was in place at the beginning of the season? I know there are stricter mask rules but unsure about if the threshold to get games cancelled went down. Either way it is bullsh. Contract tracing is the big wildcard as that is a variable that teams could fudge one way or another if so inclined.
  17. could have just built up the large qty overnight from a slow leak and then it all came down at once. Maybe it's just a joint that came loose and not a full on burst in the pipe. Either way good luck
  18. lol, my youngest will float downstairs like this when i cook bacon.
  19. well, the city maintains the electrical supply with a positive pressure. If it drops to zero you have to boil your electricity first
  20. downstairs temp was 48 this morning and that was with power and central heat going last night. our ancient house can't take this artic shit. All the vents are in the floorboard downstairs with the air ducts running through the crawlspace from the furnace in the basement. the air temp coming from some of the vents furthest away from the furnace is ~82F at best. The ducting (or whatever you call it) is fairly new as we had the unit replaced 2 years ago, but i guess the crawlspace is just so freaking cold it does not matter. upstairs is at least OK as it has a separate unit. - Is insulating the crawlspace a thing with the spray on shit? we basically just have the hardwood floors between the living area and the crawlspace and that's it. for those w/o power hang in there and godspeed.
  21. because it has fuck-all to do with the game? tree falling in the forest and not a Newsmax reporter to hear it. Fans have every right to let their voice heard about their game experience and the team can address it or not. Silver took the decision away so hopefully it's a non-issue now. KP hitting from the horse logo just effortlessly. looked like a normal shot. the league is going to need to widen the court and move the 3pt line back. Also, the Zion shot chart was awesome. 14-14 inside the restricted area! 14-15 for the game. Dude is a beast.
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