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Everything posted by SuperSport

  1. So all you krautsniffers can suck it, that’s why.
  2. After years of prayer, it’s finally happening…Escalade V-Series debuts tomorrow.
  3. Guessing he just happens to also be a Titans fan. Or does my meter need recalibration?
  4. Ha! I made that prediction multiple times over the course of Season 8 (just realized I need to catch up on S9), but that would be some seriously impressive cosmetic work given the Anne sidetrack.
  5. Wife was into it for Tom, so I humored her and gave it a watch. I really dig the “cultured” criminal genre though (Ocean’s series, White Collar, etc.), and Spader’s character is phenomenal. Just caught up on the latest season… It’s formulaic, but early seasons were fun and episodes could generally stand on their own; supporting cast is solid, if unspectacular. A lot of cliffhangers, which kinda comes with the territory, but the show has really started to drag as they’ve tried to prolong the mysteries behind the grand plot. Elizabeth was always terribly acted, but now the whole show is annoying..it’s been eight fucking seasons, reveal some meaningful secrets already.
  6. Oh thank heavens, I don’t know how we could’ve ever managed dinner without this. Fuck you, Mike.
  7. Goody Goody? I won as well, picking up my OWA this evening.
  8. Molly is #15 and not present in that picture, which is a crime against humanity.
  9. Can we sign a petition to have FCB drawn and quartered?
  10. Don't want. The team cramps up too much. Hydration not a thing with Moffitt. Their air conditioning was turned off, sir!
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